And I am a particular fan of that first sentence. If could have a public disclaimer attached it would also read something along the lines of: "the thoughts/rants/comments contained thereof are not neccessarily the properties of...etc...blah blah blah" but you get the point.
There are many MANY things I could say about this, but out of sheer respect and admiration for the way I met and interacted with a fellow author, I will stop.
Now then. With THAT out of the way.
This is the last day. The last and final day of this craziness. I will be glad to be out of this nonsense as soon as that plane can take me in a certain direction. In the last few weeks I have finally finished Skin Deep and the accompanying paper with it, and been to Chelsea Westminister hospital about four times where some strange doctor decided he wanted to view the innermost secret part of me and slid a camera into the area that has been come to be known as the "back passage." What a STUPID name. But yet it's like UK doctors don't trust themselves to say "anus" as if I'm not grown enough to handle that word. I felt like I was 11 the whole time I was talking to them. Hello people! My TV stays on Discovery Health channel. I know some of the lingo here. But anyway.
He was twirling and twisting that damn thing like it was a pixie stick and I felt it moving around my innards as he searched and scoped. Ultimately there was nothing to find (thank God) and I went next door and got a round of STD testing out of the way as I was there. Upon returning home, I discover Andrew wants to make his last and final visit this way so I agree to it.
I would like to go back a day or two and just state I also spoke with a psychic a few days ago after hearing it from Chimba and she convinced me that it would interesting for me to do so. I will post her responses to me in a separate post. It was strangely enjoyable. But I don't think I'll be doing it again.
Anyway. Andrew arrived and the night started off well enough. But I noticed that he didn't look well. He looked really tired and thinner than usual (which for him is pretty thin) having been out every night the past week for various adventures. Anyway, we then got into an argument about youth crime statistics in the UK versus the US after I made a comment about how it appears that the UK has a large portion of crime committed by people under 18. And then it turned into a discussion on the evils of Fair Trade and subsidizing farmers.....yeesh. Not exactly the romantic total confession I'd been aiming for. That night was just a hot, hot mess.
I don't want to rehash details but let's say I didn't get anything out of it, and ended up doing something I shouldn't have to no avail. He fell asleep and I forced myself to fall asleep and he was gone and out in the morning and I couldn't have cared an extra iota. Strange from the change back earlier this year. But ehhh you win some. You lose some.
I had my meeting with the school's department heads or really just some talking floating heads that serve as other people's secretaries here about the situations in Roehampton. They soaked up all my information and just politely gave me that "we'll work on it" deal, which was totally fucking pointless but ehh. If the next student that comes along decides to sue to high hell for discriminatory and unlawful practice, I can only hope someone calls my phone so I can get a piece of that pie.
I've been slowly packing everything away in here getting ready to leave tomorrow and by tonight it will all be gone. I'm going to have dinner with Chim and Fiona and I will try and go to the museum today but we'll see. I may have too much to do. Tomorrow the truck comes and I'm on my way out. So then. Till the next time when we're back on American soil!!!!