I. Got. A. Job. And not just any job, oh no. Not a, sitting at home making $9.50 an hour answering the telephone because I'm actually on my computer looking through job opportunities and this is how I pay my rent, type of job, but an actual career. It's so weird. I will be able to go into parties, and meet random strangers on the street and sip wine in a bar making casual conversation with random passersby when they ask that horribly ubitiquious question that DC'ers are oh so famous for: "So WHAT do you do?" not, "HOW do you do," because quite frankly they could give a flying fuck on how you feel, (and that's just the God's honest truth in this ridiculously polarized city) but just because they're more interested in where you are on the corporate ladder. A part of me always wonders whether or not people ask that question because they're secretly interested in trying to figure out if they can somehow use you to go higher on their particular totem pole of life, thereby using you as a footstool as they move up, but I know that's horribly cynical and I really would rather not think like that. But it would be remiss of me not to at least mention it. Cause, you know, the thought is there.
Anyway, I digress! After my last post, where I might or might not have mentioned the fact that I had just a had job interview for this position, it was a whirlwind two months of back and forths, and unlimited waiting as the old person left and the new person came in and I was in for yet more interviews and writing samples and background investigations and the whole nine, but at the end of ALL of it, Ruben Gonzales, the head of the Development Department at the National Office of United Cerebral Palsy offered me the position of Manger of Institutional Giving with a really nice starting salary, and of course, I accepted. So now there it is. I can be a productive member of American society once again, no longer a Welfare Queen making Marco Rubio's life so much easier by labeling myself as one of his infinite statistics.
That being said, everything is going to change. I'm glad I got a chance to watch the entire series of Ugly Betty because I feel like that is what I'm going to channel in this new position. Granted while I am NOTHING like her, I admire the fact that she was willing to do any and everything for her position and people in power recognized that, though it didn't come immediately. It took her four years but she ended up in amazing places doing amazing things and I think that's wonderful. So I think I will channel that. But I will also channel Olivia Pope because well....she's Olivia Pope and she handles everything. No matter how crucial or ridiculous, it gets handled. And that's....awesome.

On a different note, last night I watched this movie on Netflix called "Morgan." I don't really know why I was watching it to begin with. I saw what it was about which was a gay athlete who becomes paraplegic after a biking accident who's trying to find acceptance in his new body. I clicked it thinking I could get some tips on how to deal with the gay community and the whole ableism thing but it just ended up being a colossal waste of time. Why? The FIRST person he sees while on his way to get drunk in sorrow was some guy on a basketball court who proceeds to randomly ask him out and become the love of his life. GIVE. ME. A. FUCKING. BREAK. Is real life like that? Is it really? Cause if so, I swear I must live in an alternate Silent Hill universe where people are overly rude and insensitive, where you have to go to other countries to find some real sort of affection because the people here think you're just sucking up their healthcare and their pity.
I wish I weren't so cynical. But life makes you grow some kind of skin, or else you kill yourself. That's about all there is to it.
Rating: 3/10 Over it.