Wednesday, 3 August 2005

So Comes the Season Finale....

And so, it is the middle of the last week of summer, and it is almost time to start the cycle once more. The last three days have been full of a certain closure, one way or another as it marked the exit of the HCOP/COP kids, many of whom I've shared an interest in. And then the almost end to the ludacris class of Microeconomics, (to which I am not unhappy to say goodbye to) and to a certain someone I came to like. There's still quite a few possibilities making their entrance this fall (aka Tucker, Julian, and John), and the possibilities are still all near zero, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the possible mind sequences they produce! I finally finished with another piece of drama and most likely seperated two people apart for good, though I'm sure that wasn't the original intention. After discovering that they felt as though I ran behind the scenes, I decided to end the connection, to which it worked gloriously, and I don't think I'll b feeling the reprocussions anytime in the near future.

Jessica came this weekend, and I helped her move out of her apartment. The original plans included me traveling with her to Orlando, but that was quickly changed as I realized the extent of the drama I'd be getting myself into. So I had to end that web as well (though not nearly as permanent as the first two), and it will probably resort in me spending another miserable week at home. But I suppose I can live with that, being that Thanksgiving is a hell of a long way away. And I do have the prospect of a new computer to look forward to, (maybe) with both fingers crossed. I just have three days left. Till I'm done with this can't come fast enough.

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