So for anyone who's been actively keeping up with the blogs quite recently since about October, you know that I like to put my blogs in the style of a television series because it just makes more sense that way. So now, with that in mind, I suppose that I've just had a cliffhanger episode that will eventually lead to the sliding downward of the climax and series finale of my epic and world-changing experiences here in Germany. So to begin....
First, the money:
Even though I haven't gotten word on what exactly they're doing about the situation, I was told from Peter Dines that the check from Studentwerk people is a mistake however I find out the other day that today (June 29th) is actually Frau Hubert's last day in the office! Which that comment produces two kinds of feelings in me when I hear that. First is a tinge of sadness because she was relatively nice and she did at least try and give her best effort to the students....but then again the other end of that coin is a sense of undeniable happiness because she's about as useful as using a cooked spaghetti noodle as a bungie jumping cord. So yeah...but this also produces major problems with the rent situation. Because I just got done explaining this whole mess to her from the beginning if she's leaving today, according to other students, the other secretary Frau Bischoff, is coming back but it won't be for two weeks, so that means the office is gonna be closed for two weeks which means that if Frau Hubert doesn't fix the money situation right this minute, then it won't be fixed until the very earliest which is two weeks from today. And since I'm going home in four weeks, that just leaves two weeks to figure out how I'm going to pay for the rest of the home. The concept of rent isn't that difficult because I still have July, August and September left to pay for. No problem. They were supposed to take 300 Euros, leave me with 205 and then on Saturday I would deposit another 117 Euros in the back putting in enough for July's rent. Done. Then I was going to leave the other 133 left from the 250 I'm giving out of my check toward's August's rent and then when August rolled around dish out the other 189 Euros and that pays for August. Done. Then since they have the other 300 go through damages, (assuming I won't have any since I haven't broken anything yet) and give them the other 22 Euros, and take 100 Euros and head back home with a little spare change for America, and prepare for this New York trip. However, they fucked up this plan royally with the stunt they pulled of 505 Euros, and the funny thing is they don't even know why they pulled it! So somebody is gonna have to do something very quickly.
For the second part, the wheelchair:
Well after the fiasco that was my backwheel exploding in my electrical chair I had to locate another source of wheels fairly quickly because there was no way I'm gonna be able to wheel around limping like that. So the answer was Gross. Which is a store fairly close to here that actually deals with wheelchair supplies and parts, so I suppose I'm pretty lucky in that regard. I was able to go to Gross and they installed two brand new wheels (without giving me a price check beforehand) for a little over 60 bucks. So now I'm back on four wheels and it's going pretty good. As far as the other chair is concerned, not too sure what's happening with that all I know is, Peter Dines told me, after taking the wheels to my manual away that one of the wheels has a air leak from a puncture (that I'm guessing I got from the World Cup game in Stuttgart) and that the inner tube needs to be repaired. Sounds like the shit with Matthen all over again. So he's had my wheels for a little under a week now. But the truth is, I need those back because I'm supposed to be going to Frau Müller's party this weekend at her house for a barbecue and movies (for which Frank is coming with me but more on that later) but I don't have the wheels in which to do so at the moment. So we shall have to see.
In other news:
Now is the bad part of this trip when we start seeing people disappear and head back home to do other things with their lives inside this brief interlude we called a family. Petra leaves in less than two weeks to head to Tennessee, because she's going there to live for a few months (much like Eliza did in Florida) so she's leaving early to have more time there. Amanda, Jed's wife, whom at first I didn't know if I would like too much based off of her rather flat-lined personality has turned out to be really awesome and I really wish she wasn't leaving but in fact she leaves tomorrow morning at 5 to head back to Kentucky. (Secretly I wish I could hop aboard that jet and get them to drop me off in NC) So tonight we're gonna have a goodbye celebration for her where we go eat at a fancy resturant (my favorite one of course) and we have to wish her a very happy goodbye. Then of course, there's just us. I believe that the next person to leave will be Kristen since she's paying 250 to go home early (which is insane to me) and then Craig, and then me and Xavier are leaving on the same day on the same flight to head back to America. So slowly the gears are moving in place for one last lurch around this crazy country known as Germany and we're gonna give it one last go-around before I sling shot back to my people in Da' Broke.
And finally, Frank:
This one comes as quite a shock to me and to him and to anyone that has known us and this weird maelstrom that we've been on (I've come to like that word, maelstrom. And I feel like Snowman in the book we've just finished reading in Dystopian Novels Class: Oryx and Crake-very odd book. Very good, but very odd-) When Frank came over a few days before, we were just hanging out and he was helping me with some ideas for the fashion show that Asta has coming up (which is looming like a dark cloud on the horizon) and then afterward we all drank and talk and I kicked everybody the hell out so Frank and I could watch Hostel. Well we did but we missed like the first 35 minutes of it, because he was asking if he could kiss me and he did and we basically started making out for like a half hour. It was very odd for me, cause I mean I don't do that kind of stuff! But I did, and it was hot, and it was like the movie Closer in the scene where Jude Law (ha, Jude Law. We have a Jude Law right here in Ludwigsburg! He hangs out at the Pavilion!....he shook my hand! Oh my God, Jude Law shook my hand! ((inside joke with Craig and Zana)) don't you love how I go off on these random tangents in the mind? T'hat's what I do quite often. Anyway, the scene in the movie Closer where Jude Law and Julia Roberts start kissing in his apartment after he takes her picture, that's what the kiss between me and Frank was like. It was slow at first, slow pecks then something deeper, some lips then finally some tongue, even after that the whole mouth. The jaw, the lips, the face, the hair, etc. etc. It was very Hollywood, but I liked it. So then we watched the flick and afterward, he slept with me in my bed, and then we had sex. Again. lol. But then after that, I asked what we were, and he said he didn't know. Personally I think that's my right-now boyfriend, even though he knows it's going to end, as do I, but the more I think about it I can't really be bothered with a relationship at the minute. I'm like Zana and Toby on this one. I'm still in school I've got plenty ahead of me coming up and I don't have time to be getting side-tracked with side going on around me. Frank represents distractions which is something that I can't use at the minute. I think that he's there to enjoy while I'm here and he's something that I'll always remember as my first real relationship in my life, but nothing more than that, since I've got guys hollering at me back from the States aka Anthony (you sexy bastard!) But honestly who knows? Between Jessica hinting her undying love for me, and Frank wanting something else later, I'm not sure what to do. So maybe it's a good thing that both of them are in other places. And that reminds me of what Jessica said once before. She said that she believed that she and I had gotten together earlier before all of the Shawn mess, she believes that we would have had kids. Personally I can't bring myself to believe that but then again, life is full of what if's. I mean if me and Caitlin had got together (as she proclaimed in the AOL Instant Messenger message a few months back) maybe she wouldn't have turned into a heartbreaking family-ripping lesbian. I don't know. But I can feel the wheels of fate turning rapidly, and I don't whether to be afraid or to embrace the change and just open the door to the universe.
Thursday, 29 June 2006
Wednesday, 21 June 2006
Sex With Cherry Licquor....
Well now, just a quick update with what's going on. I went to go to Peter on yesterday and I showed him the bank statements where they've pulled out 505 out of my account for no reason, and he said that that was definately wrong. And I got a letter from the Studentenwerk people saying I would get my money back at the end of the semester, so maybe it is a mistake on somebody's part. I just need to figure out who's and fast. And Zana and I spent a good part of the night after dinner and fabulous ice cream parlor, talking about different sex techniques, (I LOVE that girl!) and it was fun as hell. Now I've got to get a hold of Frank, so I can practice yeah.
Monday, 19 June 2006
The Dangers of Monrepo Park
So then. I wouldn't have too much to say now except for what just happened a few minutes ago. It was a pretty typical Sunday afternoon not much happening, at lot of empty space floating around, and then I found out that Yolanda got hit by a biker on his way downhill at the Monrelos, which is what me and Craig nicknamed the "Favoritepark South" area here in Ludwigsburg. He was going very fast downhill and didn't have time to beep at them, and he crashed directly into her at top speed, and hurt her pretty bad so her head was bleeding and she had bruises over her arms and stuff. But thankfully it wasn't that bad, and she's okay. And then just a few hours ago, Craig, myself, Petra, Cornelia and Toby decided to go down the Monrelos at 1 am in the morning to find out if the Turkish Fish Festival was still going on. So we started walking and quickly realized how dangerous it actually was to be there at night. It was dark. Very dark. So dark we could barely see anything going on. And as we were walking Craig decides to take advantage of the situation and pull his dick out and walk around like that for a while in the darkness with Petra, Cornelia and Toby ahead of him. Fortunately, they never suspected. We got about halfway there and realized that the party was over, but the flashes of light were not actually from a party but rather from an incoming storm that was making its way over the park. But for some reason, we decided to continue downwards, and we ended up at the park eventually where the first three climbed up the pile of blocks in the park and Craig and I went to gaze at the pond. Afterwards, we all left, after losing sight of Craig for a little bit. But on the way back, we got sideswiped by this random guy on a motorcycle, when suddenly two minutes later, the Politzei show up glancing down at us. Then as we ignore them and move on, they decide to swerve around a cut us off from leaving at they block the exit to the Monrelos and start asking Toby all kinds of questions about what he smoked and what he was doing there. We finished that and headed back and here I am now. I can't believe we almost got arrested in the Monrepo Park for just being there at night. That's whoa, even for me.
Saturday, 17 June 2006
Okay. I Fully Admit It Now. Soccer Is the Shit!!! And...There Might Be a Murder on Tuesday...
Wow. okay so I guess I have to say that I have found one of my new favorite sports, and honestly I'm not a sports person. They really just don't interest me and that's because of all of the technicalities and everything else that's involved. If I could just find a very simple game that requires no real knowledge of any kind of positions or anything, then I'd be happy.
Well I suppose I've found it now.
Europeans have known it for a while, I suppose. As usual it seems only America is one of the last places that seems to be catching on with the rest of the world in regards to soccer. More specifically, the World Cup. So yeah I'm completely addicted now. That shit is the bomb! I mean we're talking two 45 minute pieces of pure unadulterated screaming at your television fun. Much more so that football or anything else. Not that I have anything against football, but still. It's way too technical with the plays, and the positions and the yardage and all of that nonsense. And besides, the beatdowns in soccer are much cooler to watch in slow-motion. I saw a guy get his face smashed in when this fool jumped up and elbowed him in the face, then this black dude named Pope on the American team totally did a mega-slide and completely broke this other guy's leg, it was awesome to watch. And that freakin' goalie, holy crap. Not that he's hot or anything but that man must be blessed from God directly cause the way he blocked some of those shots was too good to be true. So yeah, I'm hooked.
But in other news,
I'm not going to mention this long because quite frankly the very idea is making my blood boil, I found out yesterday when I was roaming around with Craig that Victoria Huebert has a hell of a lot of explaining to do on Tuesday. Basically she told me I owed the school 368 Euros due to a security deposit and the sheets and secretaries' fee. That's fine, I'll live with it. However, what she didn't mention was that this fee is completely wrong. First off, the sheets were paid in my first check when they took my money. Secondly, turns out the security deposit is not 300 Euros, but 505 Euros actually. And honestly...I don't have enough money to cover that. She told me 368 and I was fine with it because it told me I could pay them off and still pay off the room and be okay. But now with this new random twist of fate, seems like the Pädagogische Hoschschule might not be getting their rent anymore. Being that they're holding practically two months of it anyway. I don't think she realizes that no single person here at the PH can afford my room by themselves. There was always two people living here in my room and they split the rent between them, which meant each person was bringing in 250 for the deposit. But they don't realize that by the time this ordeal is done, they would have taken over 3,000 Euros alone on the room not including food, which is a thousand more than the damn stupendium that all the students get! So when Tuesday comes, I think I'll go have a nice little chat with Victoria Huebert, and I guarantee that it won't be friendly.
"9-Man USA Team Holds Italy At Bay In A 1-1 Tie"-MSN
Well I suppose I've found it now.
Europeans have known it for a while, I suppose. As usual it seems only America is one of the last places that seems to be catching on with the rest of the world in regards to soccer. More specifically, the World Cup. So yeah I'm completely addicted now. That shit is the bomb! I mean we're talking two 45 minute pieces of pure unadulterated screaming at your television fun. Much more so that football or anything else. Not that I have anything against football, but still. It's way too technical with the plays, and the positions and the yardage and all of that nonsense. And besides, the beatdowns in soccer are much cooler to watch in slow-motion. I saw a guy get his face smashed in when this fool jumped up and elbowed him in the face, then this black dude named Pope on the American team totally did a mega-slide and completely broke this other guy's leg, it was awesome to watch. And that freakin' goalie, holy crap. Not that he's hot or anything but that man must be blessed from God directly cause the way he blocked some of those shots was too good to be true. So yeah, I'm hooked.
But in other news,
I'm not going to mention this long because quite frankly the very idea is making my blood boil, I found out yesterday when I was roaming around with Craig that Victoria Huebert has a hell of a lot of explaining to do on Tuesday. Basically she told me I owed the school 368 Euros due to a security deposit and the sheets and secretaries' fee. That's fine, I'll live with it. However, what she didn't mention was that this fee is completely wrong. First off, the sheets were paid in my first check when they took my money. Secondly, turns out the security deposit is not 300 Euros, but 505 Euros actually. And honestly...I don't have enough money to cover that. She told me 368 and I was fine with it because it told me I could pay them off and still pay off the room and be okay. But now with this new random twist of fate, seems like the Pädagogische Hoschschule might not be getting their rent anymore. Being that they're holding practically two months of it anyway. I don't think she realizes that no single person here at the PH can afford my room by themselves. There was always two people living here in my room and they split the rent between them, which meant each person was bringing in 250 for the deposit. But they don't realize that by the time this ordeal is done, they would have taken over 3,000 Euros alone on the room not including food, which is a thousand more than the damn stupendium that all the students get! So when Tuesday comes, I think I'll go have a nice little chat with Victoria Huebert, and I guarantee that it won't be friendly.
"9-Man USA Team Holds Italy At Bay In A 1-1 Tie"-MSN
Friday, 16 June 2006
Dressed To Get Fucked...
well well, that party was a MAJOR success I'm happy to report. What started out as a simple dinner between friends turned into the "Get Dressed To Get Fucked" party, and I ended up being 90% nude for the majority of the day, which was pretty hot. So yeah everyone came over and we ate roasted chicken with homemade stuffing (which was the shit!), creamy Italian pasta, boiled new potatoes, Texas tater tots, and for dessert rasberry sorbet cake, and chocolate ice cream with Bailey's Irish Cream (alcohol). Then we all played "Never Have I Ever" for a few hours over about seven bottles of wine between 10 people. lol. fun. The only bad thing about it, A) my electric wheelchair broke off when the backwheel decided to split into pieces while I was driving it, so now it limps horribly. Secondly, Frank he sent me this message (after he called and I invited him to the party) that said the following: "If you wanted me to come, you would've found a way for me to be there!!!" What the hell kinda shit is that? After I invited him, but he told me he had other plans!! So when he called back, I was very pissed and I attempted to tell him off, but he apologized saying it was a joke of sorts. Honestly I just don't like it when other people trying to make it look like my fault when they can't make it events. If you can't come then, it's on you. But otherwise the night was good. I can't believe my time here is coming to an end.
Thursday, 15 June 2006
Keen, My Personal Psychic Advisor!
Wow. Keen, how much I love thee. So accurate, it's horrifying.
Your Daily Horoscope from Keen
Thursday, June 15, 2006
aries horoscope
Your Thursday Horoscope D'Arcee!
A gathering at your place will be highlighted by chatty conversation and big plans for the future. The nurturing stage has passed. Today reveals that it is time for action and accomplishment.
Our "Sexy Dinner" is planned for this evening. And we'll probably be discussing plans for the "International Vogue" fashion show here at the Pädagogische Hoschschule. So wow. How did they know that?
Your Daily Horoscope from Keen
Thursday, June 15, 2006
aries horoscope
Your Thursday Horoscope D'Arcee!
A gathering at your place will be highlighted by chatty conversation and big plans for the future. The nurturing stage has passed. Today reveals that it is time for action and accomplishment.
Our "Sexy Dinner" is planned for this evening. And we'll probably be discussing plans for the "International Vogue" fashion show here at the Pädagogische Hoschschule. So wow. How did they know that?
DRC Was Here....
Late German winner sinks Poland
Posted: 13 hours ago
Germany 1, Poland 0
# Match Tracker | Recap
# Match stats | Photos
Substitute Oliver Neuville scored on a sliding kick off a brilliant cross from another sub, David Odonkor, in injury time and Germany edged Poland 1-0. The hosts controlled the action, only to be frustrated by Artur Boruc, who made a handful of spectacular saves. Full story...
And....Jessica does it again, yet another cliffhanger to add to the slowly stacking list...
Body: Here's my answer...
Honestly I've thought about that again, again, and again and then once more. The thing is Jessica, the only reason that I decided to become gay is because no girls would ever give me a chance when I was growing up to ever try to get to know them sexually or anything and quite frankly I was just tired of getting rejected every single time I tried to open my heart to them. So I tried to move a different direction, and I found that it was more difficult but at least the people aren't as harsh as women can be. As far women are concerned, I've already expressed to some of my other friends that if I were to come across a woman who was geniunely in love with me, and wasn't always trying to play me for my parent's money or something, then I'd be more than willingly to do it. And I told you, I've liked you forever and ever, but the problem is you're just too involved with everyone. And on top of that, we live in different worlds. Quite frankly, I'm still in school and trying to make a position for myself when I leave classes, and I know you are still trying to get your life together but when I think about it, when you are lonely or something and I'm busy, I'm just not sure it would work. Not that I wouldn't be willingly...but you've got Nick, and T, and Walt, and Ezell, and the rest of those fools to keep you company. I just don't want to become another name on the list.
Posted: 13 hours ago
Germany 1, Poland 0
# Match Tracker | Recap
# Match stats | Photos
Substitute Oliver Neuville scored on a sliding kick off a brilliant cross from another sub, David Odonkor, in injury time and Germany edged Poland 1-0. The hosts controlled the action, only to be frustrated by Artur Boruc, who made a handful of spectacular saves. Full story...
And....Jessica does it again, yet another cliffhanger to add to the slowly stacking list...
Body: Here's my answer...
Honestly I've thought about that again, again, and again and then once more. The thing is Jessica, the only reason that I decided to become gay is because no girls would ever give me a chance when I was growing up to ever try to get to know them sexually or anything and quite frankly I was just tired of getting rejected every single time I tried to open my heart to them. So I tried to move a different direction, and I found that it was more difficult but at least the people aren't as harsh as women can be. As far women are concerned, I've already expressed to some of my other friends that if I were to come across a woman who was geniunely in love with me, and wasn't always trying to play me for my parent's money or something, then I'd be more than willingly to do it. And I told you, I've liked you forever and ever, but the problem is you're just too involved with everyone. And on top of that, we live in different worlds. Quite frankly, I'm still in school and trying to make a position for myself when I leave classes, and I know you are still trying to get your life together but when I think about it, when you are lonely or something and I'm busy, I'm just not sure it would work. Not that I wouldn't be willingly...but you've got Nick, and T, and Walt, and Ezell, and the rest of those fools to keep you company. I just don't want to become another name on the list.
Wednesday, 14 June 2006
Germany vs. Poland/He's Gone in 15 Seconds....
Okay well now. I just got back being in Stuttgart with Susanna, Toby, Jed, Tiana, Eliza, Petra and two other people that I didn't know and we just came from the World Cup game that was Germany vs. Poland. It was kinda like a rival game, so there was a lot of people. And when I say a lot of people, I mean a lot. We're talking 50,000 no lie all packed in a tiny little park filled with people. We fought through about 5,000 of them to get a halfway decent seat to the tv so that we could see what was going on, and even I had to move on my chair to see the screen fully. It was pretty interesting. Since both teams were extremely good and there were no goals scored in the whole 90 minutes of the game. However, because they had collected some yellow cards, the game was extended for another three minutes, and they fought fiercely over the ball, and it ended in a draw of 0-0...almost. In the last 15 seconds, one of the guys suddenly pulled out a freakin' miracle and the ball smashed into the net officially giving Deutschland the win. Of course, I and the rest of the crowd went completely nuts and everyone roared their approval. The entire country is STILL celebrating like they just won, and that was over 3 hours ago. I can't even begin to imagine what will happen if they actually win the World Cup. The thought still makes me shudder. However on the other hand, something far more interesting occured.
On a side note, Dr. Morfesis is here this week from Pembroke and she came to give a concert this week of her voice, so it was an interesting break from the usual faces as I met with her, and went to her concert, where she proved she is still really good. But the interesting part was when I met Eliza, it turns out that Alex (her extremely hot roommate that I mentioned in the other entry) had actually paid attention my GayRomeo screen when I brought my computer over to her house and we were listening to music together. So he asked Eliza if I was gay, and she told him that I was, and then what really shocked me if that wasn't enough that a really hot guy that I've been talking to knows now that I'm gay, he went and searched me out on GayRomeo and went and found my profile and read over it. And so now he knows more about me than I ever would have told him face-to-face. And honestly I couldn't believe that she had given him all that information.
Not that I mind of course, of but there's always something better about being the one to tell someone that you are or you aren't gay, because there's that comfortability factor involved with it. I hadn't actually wanted to tell him if at all because I really liked talking to him and I kinda wanted to keep that barrier of open communication just that: still open. But according to her he already knew about the website and had visited it once before (?) and he knew how to navigate though she claims along with a few other girls that he's not gay. In my mind, this raises a few questions because when I was over there I mentioned the story about the no-endowed statue and he seemed awfully interested in what I had to say. Secondly, I visited GayRomeo and tried to locate people without officially being logged in. It's near impossible unless you already know their screename. You can find people via hotmail if you're a member but only if you're a member and that would mean that you'd have to be gay. So honestly I don't know what game he's trying to play but the weird part is that when I met him on Sunday afternoon, he came over and sat and chatted wth us for like 30 minutes, and according to Eliza he already knew about me being gay when he came over. And I saw him yesterday and again tonight in Stuttgart as we were leaving. And he seems to be really friendly with me, so I'm not too concerned over the fact that he might be homophobic or something but rather that he's hiding something from people, and if not from others, just from himself. And once I saw him, I turned my head and poof he had vanished into thin air like the other 20,000 people thta was coming behind him. Just like the last 15 seconds.
On a side note, Dr. Morfesis is here this week from Pembroke and she came to give a concert this week of her voice, so it was an interesting break from the usual faces as I met with her, and went to her concert, where she proved she is still really good. But the interesting part was when I met Eliza, it turns out that Alex (her extremely hot roommate that I mentioned in the other entry) had actually paid attention my GayRomeo screen when I brought my computer over to her house and we were listening to music together. So he asked Eliza if I was gay, and she told him that I was, and then what really shocked me if that wasn't enough that a really hot guy that I've been talking to knows now that I'm gay, he went and searched me out on GayRomeo and went and found my profile and read over it. And so now he knows more about me than I ever would have told him face-to-face. And honestly I couldn't believe that she had given him all that information.
Not that I mind of course, of but there's always something better about being the one to tell someone that you are or you aren't gay, because there's that comfortability factor involved with it. I hadn't actually wanted to tell him if at all because I really liked talking to him and I kinda wanted to keep that barrier of open communication just that: still open. But according to her he already knew about the website and had visited it once before (?) and he knew how to navigate though she claims along with a few other girls that he's not gay. In my mind, this raises a few questions because when I was over there I mentioned the story about the no-endowed statue and he seemed awfully interested in what I had to say. Secondly, I visited GayRomeo and tried to locate people without officially being logged in. It's near impossible unless you already know their screename. You can find people via hotmail if you're a member but only if you're a member and that would mean that you'd have to be gay. So honestly I don't know what game he's trying to play but the weird part is that when I met him on Sunday afternoon, he came over and sat and chatted wth us for like 30 minutes, and according to Eliza he already knew about me being gay when he came over. And I saw him yesterday and again tonight in Stuttgart as we were leaving. And he seems to be really friendly with me, so I'm not too concerned over the fact that he might be homophobic or something but rather that he's hiding something from people, and if not from others, just from himself. And once I saw him, I turned my head and poof he had vanished into thin air like the other 20,000 people thta was coming behind him. Just like the last 15 seconds.
Sunday, 11 June 2006
Argentina vs. The Ivory Coast/My Heart vs. My Brain & Frank
Well now nothing that new to report except that Frank just randomly shows up this evening at like 9:00 (21:00 here) and decides to ask me if I want to go with him to Stuttgart to watch the World Cup. Well I wasn't too sure what he was talking about, since I was still in the middle of having a heart attack with him showing up at my doorway without any kind of prerequisite. However it was a pleasant surprise, and I agreed to go, got dressed and left Ludwigsburg. We went downtown and we managed to squeeze our way through 10,000 (yes that's right) people in order to get a seat on the lawn to watch Argentina vs. The Ivory Coast (Africa) in the World Cup. It was pretty cool. I mean I've never been much of a soccer fan myself, but I could see myself getting into it especially since everyone else here seems to be. It's just so not as complicated as football in America. There they have all of these random players and random techniques and all of this stuff just to pass a pig skin ball a few hundred yards. Soccer is so less complicated. You have 90 minutes, there are 11 players per side, not really any rules except you can't touch the ball with your hands, and it's one side versus the other to see how many goals they can score with an hour and a head, with a 30 minute break in between. So yeah it was pretty hot to watch. Plus the slow-motion replays of people tripping (which they do quite often I assure you) is hilarious. But the soccer game was near the back of my mind really. I got to thinking about Frank and me. I mean this would officially be the third time I've seen him which means that we've been dating for about three weeks now, and it's the longest concurrent relationship sort of thing that I've ever had. The problem is I don't know how Frank sees this whole situation. I mean I could say that we're just friends, but I don't have sex with my friends and enjoy it. And Frank is fabulous at that. So theoretically because we're having sex that means that he would be my boyfriend right? But we've had this conversation before, after he nearly cussed me out for talking about another guy on GayRomeo while he was giving me a massage, and he flat out mentioned that he's not my lover. If not, then why was he getting so upset? That's like lover's jealousy to me. But yeah I don't know what to do. He's asked me to go with him again to Stuttgart tomorrow afternoon and spend the day there. I'm thinking about going, but then again I'm thinking about not going because I'm not sure what I'll have to do this coming week. I've got a lot of major things to get through. First and foremost would be that book Oreyx and Crake, which we're supposed to read for Dystopian Novels class, but I haven't been able to get to the Thalia bookstore yet in Ludwigsburg to buy it. It sounded really interesting and Lile was completely stoked by it (god I did just so stoked, didn't I?). So yeah. Following that we've got the elusive American South Segregation Project coming up on Monday, and though we've sat and talked about our individual roles in our little scheme that plans to be a hard act to follow, I still have to check on a few little details prior to it, and make sure the everyone knows what they're supposed to be doing. Thirdly, the paper project in American Civil War class is due sometime around here, I'm just not sure when. And then lastly, I need to figure out how to get the damn wheelchair repaired. It's not broken, per say, but the air has disappeared from both tires, from what I think is just long periods of extended use a.k.a. Basel Switzerland this past week. So I'll have to find out what I'm going to do. Other than that, not too much going on. Later.
Friday, 9 June 2006
How DARE THEY PULL THIS SHIT!!!! Ohhh I'm soooo mad....
June 9, 2006 - Friday
wow. I just checked Facebook just to look and see and oh my great God. There are just too many damn suprises for me to just lie down and take it. Tanya has had her damn baby today and it's a girl that she had with Mike Lavender, Brandy is engaged and getting married to Brian next July, CJ is no longer and currently dating some new guy, and to top it off, Cynthia is now officially a wife....god what's next? How dare they choose this semester to pull all this crazy shit when I'm in Germany....I'm so mad....
wow. I just checked Facebook just to look and see and oh my great God. There are just too many damn suprises for me to just lie down and take it. Tanya has had her damn baby today and it's a girl that she had with Mike Lavender, Brandy is engaged and getting married to Brian next July, CJ is no longer and currently dating some new guy, and to top it off, Cynthia is now officially a wife....god what's next? How dare they choose this semester to pull all this crazy shit when I'm in Germany....I'm so mad....
Thursday, 8 June 2006
Memoirs of the Munster....Being in Switzerland for the First Time...

well well now. This was a very very interesting weekend. Out of nowhere on Sunday night we decide (myself, Susanna, Einam, and Idan) to go to Basel Switzerland for a lovely little trip out of the country since this is the week that we have off for the schooling stuff. So I decide to pack and stuff and we booked a hostel (yeah I can't believe it either) and we went there and left Ludwigsburg at 8:32 a.m. on Monday morning heading for the North country. We rode the damn trains for about seven hours north and west, and had to endure all sorts of shit on the way like this random guy who started yelling at us in German when he discovered I was in a chair and trying to get on the railroad. So yeah. And then when we were about five minutes away from Basel, the Tour De France and all of their sponsors rolled into our cargo section and we were trapped by a thousand bikes.

When suddenly the KontoLeren walks in. By the way, the KontoLeren is the German version of a police officer for the railroad. And when he walked in and asked us for our passports, we didn't have them because I had left it right here in my desk on accident. And so he demanded that we leave the train and head back to Germany because he basically called us a possible terrorist threat or whatever. So we exit the train and are totally pissed cause we're only ten feet away from the border of Switzerland, and on the way out, Susanna pulls a split in the railway tracks, (the Glize) and slips and all falls into the tracks with one leg, with one leg stuck up on the concrete boarder of the station. So we had to rescue her, and then afterwards she basically went near hysterical as we poured out our life stories to the Swiss Politizi and they granted us a temporary pass to be there for a few days.

So we barely made it into Switzerland, and Susanna almost lost her leg. We got there and went the Hostel which was acutally extremely nice for what I was expecting. And then we went to look around. And we went to the Three Kings Hotel (which we weren't supposed to be in) and we looked around it was very cool. Then we were walking around and we saw a water pool and we thought it was horses and as we were talking about it, a woman walked up and started drinking it. It was very funny and totally random, as we were getting stalked by a four person Mariachi band that was totally annoying. Then we went to sleep after eating at Burger King which cost us an unbelievable 35CHF or Swiss Francs, or about 18 Euros over in Germany, or 30.00 in US Dollars. Then we got up and went to the Tinguely museum in Basel, which is a museum of mechanical wonders, with moving art.

It was pretty cool especially this music machine where you put blocks on a blue grid and it depending on the position of the cubes it makes musical noise. It was very awesome. Then we played a game of chess with chess pieces the sizes of people and it was hot. Then we went to the art museum and I bought a few postcards of some pretty awesome art. Then we stopped at the Elizabethan church and I put some money in the alter and wrote a prayer for Jessica in the prayer book. Then we went to the see the Münster, which is a very, VERY old church. Let me put it this way. It suffered an earthquake in 1096 and had to be rebuilt.

So it was built before that. So we're talking like 1200 or 1300 year old church. Very old. But very cool. And we saw a plaque that had Susanna's exact name in German and the date she died in 1842. So it was weird. Then we went shopping for souveniors and then afterward fell asleep after we went drinking in a bar. The last day we got up and went to a market festival and I bought two bars of pure white Swiss chocolate and some truly KICK ASS pesto sauce made from scratch and wild garlic. I bought some presents for my family and my mom for her birthday and a new Paul Oakenfold CD.

Afterward we headed back where we faced the Tour De France Redux, only this time it was a new mixture with a few retarded people, a few assholes, and a complete nursery. The woman next to me told Susanna that if she didn't peel the orange that she offered to her son fast enough (as the train was coming to a stop) that she would blame her forever if her son had bad luck from having a promise broken to him, even though Susanna never promised her son the orange. So we had to intervene to save the life of her son, and give him the orange. And finally after another 7 and a half hours, we made it back to Ludwigsburg. Whew.

P.S. I went over Eliza's today for the first time to have crepé suzettes with everyone for dinner. And her roommate Alex came and joined us at the table. He is the hottest guy that I've seen here at the PH yet!!! Wow. He's sooooo hot!!!! lol. Well he's about the same level as Markus. LOL. :-)
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