Sunday, 11 June 2006

Argentina vs. The Ivory Coast/My Heart vs. My Brain & Frank

Well now nothing that new to report except that Frank just randomly shows up this evening at like 9:00 (21:00 here) and decides to ask me if I want to go with him to Stuttgart to watch the World Cup. Well I wasn't too sure what he was talking about, since I was still in the middle of having a heart attack with him showing up at my doorway without any kind of prerequisite. However it was a pleasant surprise, and I agreed to go, got dressed and left Ludwigsburg. We went downtown and we managed to squeeze our way through 10,000 (yes that's right) people in order to get a seat on the lawn to watch Argentina vs. The Ivory Coast (Africa) in the World Cup. It was pretty cool. I mean I've never been much of a soccer fan myself, but I could see myself getting into it especially since everyone else here seems to be. It's just so not as complicated as football in America. There they have all of these random players and random techniques and all of this stuff just to pass a pig skin ball a few hundred yards. Soccer is so less complicated. You have 90 minutes, there are 11 players per side, not really any rules except you can't touch the ball with your hands, and it's one side versus the other to see how many goals they can score with an hour and a head, with a 30 minute break in between. So yeah it was pretty hot to watch. Plus the slow-motion replays of people tripping (which they do quite often I assure you) is hilarious. But the soccer game was near the back of my mind really. I got to thinking about Frank and me. I mean this would officially be the third time I've seen him which means that we've been dating for about three weeks now, and it's the longest concurrent relationship sort of thing that I've ever had. The problem is I don't know how Frank sees this whole situation. I mean I could say that we're just friends, but I don't have sex with my friends and enjoy it. And Frank is fabulous at that. So theoretically because we're having sex that means that he would be my boyfriend right? But we've had this conversation before, after he nearly cussed me out for talking about another guy on GayRomeo while he was giving me a massage, and he flat out mentioned that he's not my lover. If not, then why was he getting so upset? That's like lover's jealousy to me. But yeah I don't know what to do. He's asked me to go with him again to Stuttgart tomorrow afternoon and spend the day there. I'm thinking about going, but then again I'm thinking about not going because I'm not sure what I'll have to do this coming week. I've got a lot of major things to get through. First and foremost would be that book Oreyx and Crake, which we're supposed to read for Dystopian Novels class, but I haven't been able to get to the Thalia bookstore yet in Ludwigsburg to buy it. It sounded really interesting and Lile was completely stoked by it (god I did just so stoked, didn't I?). So yeah. Following that we've got the elusive American South Segregation Project coming up on Monday, and though we've sat and talked about our individual roles in our little scheme that plans to be a hard act to follow, I still have to check on a few little details prior to it, and make sure the everyone knows what they're supposed to be doing. Thirdly, the paper project in American Civil War class is due sometime around here, I'm just not sure when. And then lastly, I need to figure out how to get the damn wheelchair repaired. It's not broken, per say, but the air has disappeared from both tires, from what I think is just long periods of extended use a.k.a. Basel Switzerland this past week. So I'll have to find out what I'm going to do. Other than that, not too much going on. Later.

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