Friday, 17 November 2006

Stapling Your Soul to a 10-Page Project

That's about how it felt today when I handed in that damn report to Dr. Cannata for our English class. Of course it's like the final rough draft or whatever so we can fix whatever we need to next week and turn that shit in on the 30th. I will be very happy when I no longer have to look at that paper or anything pertaining to it. I mean I know Frankenstein was a really good story but DAMN! Can a nigga can a break? Nah I'm just playing though. It was good and that paper was good too, but it was long as hell. 10 pages and 8 sources. Yeah. However I'm dreading when this semester actually ends, strictly because I don't know exactly what I'm gonna do. So Ronnie hasn't ended up paying yet and I'm still waiting on the check which means I'm pretty much shit out of luck unless I came up with this plan early tonight, maybe I can take all my shit over to the game store and trade all of it in an attempt to get some of my cash back and then take that and pay off Tina which she told me is the equalvalent to 447 dollars basically, so if I manage to get like 500 for my stuff which is basically not gonna happen, I can pay her off and possibly get my stuff turned in by the end of next week. So that's only one of two major issues.

Issue #2: This thing with mom and them is gonna come to a head, I know it will I just don't know when. I've already told her my feelings on being gay, she knows it and they know it, but they refuse to accept it which is honestly fine by me, however I have a feeling that sometime over the Thanksgiving Break, something is going to come up which is gonna result in me having to rehash all of this shit all the way over again, which I do wanna do, just not right now when I still need a place to go back to after college. So until I can get something set up where I don't have to depend on that part of the equation it's gonna have to stay under the surface. However they have a way of attempting to peel and pull shit that isn't neccessarily relevent to the current situation. But... I suppose we'll have to see just what's going on.

In other news, I might a couple of guys online yesterday and that situation looks quite interesting if not promising indeed, and one of them is hot, boots!!!! Yes ma'am! I haven't seen the other one yet, but the one I did see is the shit child. I would most gladly have him come and visit...yyyeeeaaahhhhhssssskkkk! (yeahsk!) George and Jamie are their names and I'm gonna have to learn more about both of these potential firecrackers. Definately.

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