Okay so I'm a few days late, but whatever. So last week I ended up going down to Orlando because Jessica calls me at work saying that the baby that she's scheduled to have on August 26th is now coming Friday July 13th. So of course we're all like: "What the FUCK?" kinda thing, and so I go on Orbitz and blow 250 bucks to buy a ticket for the next day and by 6:00 am Friday morning I dip out (after sleeping almost through the wake up call) and make my way to Ronald Reagan Airport, where I catch an earlier flight to Orlando and I'm there by 11. I get there and Jessica just about to be put under and so we go to the lobby and we wait. And wait, and wait some more. Some two and a half hours later, Sue her mom comes and everything's fine and we go into visit.

She looked totally drugged up and pleasantly tired but we happy to find that everything went relatively smoothly. Ms. Je'Lynn Aniyah Heffner was born on July 13th, 2007 at approximately 1:44 pm at approximately 4lbs, 10 oz. And she's quite beautiful though in the photo, she's quite mad. lol. Unforetunately, she's 6 weeks early and couldn't breathe very well, however I found out this afternoon she's off the breathing tube, which is excellent news. So I'm really excited about it. And of course, it's the beginning of another legacy. I just hope she grows up to be beautiful, respectful, and decent. And I'll be there to make sure she does. Love you, Je'Lynn!
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