Anyway got back after a terrible flight home (I think I had some kind of throat infection that was killing me on the plane; Literally I had to chew four and five aspirin over an eight hour flight just to swallow) but got home and headed over to Matts, which is technically where Ive been staying since I got here. I had made plans to head to DC and I bought my train tickets and everything, even went as far to get Mom and them to buy my Praxis ticket and a test book and I was studying for the test and everything preparing to come up and do what I needed to do for this interview, and that was until....Michael.
So Im hanging out with Shon and we head over to the $1.50 theatre to check out a bunch of movies I never got to see, and we saw the new Karate Kid, which was really good (Jayden got his ass BEAT but then he came back hard.) And were getting ready to leave when Shon sees Moms car in the parking lot, so we head back inside and find them in "Letters to Juliet." So we watched it and afterward, were out in the parking lot talking as usual, and this guy comes up with a really nice Scion SUV with a disabled license plate on the back and Dad tells me to head over and talk to him about schools that might be disabled accessible.
Well this person was Michael. And that was the start of something truly truly epic. Im talking and he gives me a card and tells me to call in and talk to his co worker Sierra about some information they can work out. And so the next day I do that, and were talking and I tell her a little about myself and what Ive been doing and she tells me that shell help. Then she calls back and tells me that she knows that a woman down the hall is looking for an assistant and that she put my name out there and to send a resume to her. So I did.
I get called for an interview the following week and I go in to meet Cynthia at the Statewide Independent Living Center, and were talking and she tells me that not only am I perfect for the job, she wants to hire me over the other 144 applicants she has. So after a long deliberation and trying to figure out what would happen if I didnt go to DC, I accepted her proposal and started to plan out when I could start. But then it changes again.
The SAME WEEK I get another phone call from this lady Rene, who is in charge of the Independent Living Center in Raleigh and also is the Executive Director of Alliance of Disability Advocates, and she wants to meet with me to talk about work as well. Now Im thinking this is the other half of the part time work that Cynthia is supplying me with as her job is only 20 hours. But going in, Im talking with Rene on that Friday, and she tells me that she took my resume from Cynthia and that she wants to hire me full time as a Disability Youth Advocate. SCORE! So needless to say, I took her offer, and as of this past Wednesday the 7th, I became an official employee with a full time job in a nonprofit disability agency.

Work is...actually pretty cool. There is so much going on and this office is like at the beginning of its life, which is cool because it means theyre going to be doing things for a few years. And lets see Ive been there technically four days and Ive already started working on the website, and Ive created a few logos for the YLF (Youth Leadership Forum) and for NCSILC (Cynthia). So yeah thats cool. Tomorrow is going to be hella long. I have a full day of work to do in conjunction with a YLF meeting in the evening from 6-9, so the good news at least is that Ill have three hours of flex time this week to use when I want, so I can leave at 2 if I choose on Friday.
On a quick note, Im still doing the apartment searching thing (its funny how I got a job faster than a house) and its become interesting because my credit is just as fucked as I assumed it would be, and thats making it harder. The good news is that over time, with the amount of money Im making (which is pretty much the same as I was in DC, slightly less but here its worth a lot), I can pay off pretty much all of that stuff in a year. So this time next year, I plan to have a totally clean record which would be great.

Then we went and got into this place Westgrove Towers behind the Blue Ridg''''''e theatre. After getting in, I get a call last week from the manager that we were not approved because of: you guessed it, my fucking credit. Well this is after weve already gone through the headache of getting Shon off the lease in this place, and weve told Matt and Big Jon that were leaving in two weeks without actually having a place to live...so yeah.
But then just yesterday were heading back from being out all morning visiting apartment complexes, and the last place we go to turns out to be one of the best. Im really REALLY hoping that we can get in here because its gorgeous. Hardwood floors, floor to ceiling windows a huge Master bedroom with a half bathroom, poolhouse and all that, I want this place, and Im thinking that we might be able to pull this off. God I hope so.

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