Friday, 27 January 2006

Spiraling Into Madness....A Foam-At-the-Mouth-Craving for EBAY!!!!

Well well now. Quite a few updates now. Including the purchases of some truly outrageous commodities on my part. Let's see here. I've got the passport done, I've got my state license (which officially lists me as an organ donor, though I was not prepared for that question.) Quite now, I'm officially broke at the moment, meaning that nearly all my scholarship money is gone for the moment. And what did I spend it on? Random stuff really. For the most part, but then at the last minute when I get told that I might be able to take my chair to Germany, I thought about it and decided that I had to have a new chair to take to Germany since the manual I have now is definately not going to work. So I went to the wonderful virtual marketplace that doubles as Hell, and I logged onto Ebay. I found what I was looking for and after two weeks of watching like a damn hawk, I slipped in at the last five minutes and stole that bitch away from like 27 other people. I just love being malicious! So anyway, that cost me like 400 dollars, but on the plus side, it looks like a really nice sports chair and has red flashing lights in the mini-wheels! You know how I do! Gotta pimp it, hoes! Well that was that, though I had to into a serious bid-murdering rampage in the last ten seconds of that bid. Apparently a bunch of people wanted that thing really bad, but I wasn't having it. And so now I own it, and I'm just waiting for it to arrive, so I can see what the damage is. But...there's another side to this madness. And that's why I hate Ebay with a passion. Cause you're there and you bid on one item, and on your way out you see other stuff that looks so good, and the price is so low, that you've just got to bid and see if you can grab it. And that's what happened to me.

I got caught in the snare and the result was a loss of 700.00 on a brand new premium package of an Xbox 360 and Perfect Dark Zero. My mom is litterally shitting bricks at the minute cause the bank called her and informed her that a massive chunk of 1,100 dollars had evaporated from my account in a matter of minutes, and they had no idea why. And so I call her and she questions me up and down, and I tried to put it on the wheelchair, but that only accounted for 400, and she thinks I only spent 400. As long as it stays that way, I'm fine. But in truth, why did I do it? Well for one thing, my check from the school is coming in next week for 2300 dollars, which I wasn't even sure was going to arrive. And I get paid another 400 on Thursday. However, I just gotta figure out how I'm gonna put back 2000 dollars before I leave in March. My goal was to be there with 9900 like originally planned. But if that means I've got to put a hold on the trip, then so be it. Or better yet, I'll leave later and just be in London for my birthday. That's all I really wanted anyway. Who knows? I've just come to this realization that people are just getting killed left and right everyday, and hey it's always happened since the beginning of time, but now nothing and I mean NOTHING is guaranteed anymore. I could drop dead tomorrow night. And then what? Nothing! I didn't get to do anything that I wanted to! At this point, my feelings say that if I never get to go to Europe ever again, at least I got to visit all the major cities all at once. And yeah it cost me three grand, but I'll have memories for the rest of my life. However long it lasts....

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