Sunday, 8 January 2006

The Triumphant Return!!!!

Okay so it's been like nearly three months since I've written in this thing, and I figured that tonight is a perfect time to reinstate myself with the journal that I had kept so faithfully for so long. So after three months, it's time first for me to bring you up to speed.

Okay first off, I still don't have my finger fully back. The last time I wrote in this thing I had just cut it off the day before practice. Well it's been three months, and my finger has grown back at lot since then, but it certainly has not returned to normal like I had expected. I can still very sensitive things with it, but at least I can touch it now without screaming.

Second, I'm completely done with my Sophomore year at Pembroke, I left there over the Winter with 3 A's, 1 C, 2 W's, and an F. Believe me the F was not intended, but I knew it was coming. I was never a fan of Gretchen Walters. Not that I had anything against her, but I just didn't like her class. A big shock I got a W for Dr. Helgeson's class, which I kinda expected but was still shocked. I had done half the work for her class, after all. And then I got a C in Dr. Spivey's class. Not bad considering I missed like half the class and turned in no work. So not a bad semester considering. It was by far the worst I've had as far as attendance. I've never missed so much class. But ever since I went through that depression, things have never been quite the same.

In other news, I'm officially going to Germany now. School starts back tomorrow, but I will not be going because I''m going to Germany instead! Isn't that great? I'll be there till at least August, and possibly even till March of next year. I'm not sure yet. But I got it worked out and I got the check from my scholarship the other day. So everything's working to plan. Now I've got to get my passport as soon as possible, so I can move on with the process. But there's that news.

As far as now, I just got done seeing Quentin Tarantino and Eli Roth's movie "Hostel" tonight, and it was the goriest thing I've seen in a very long time. The commercial was not kidding about the insane torture scenes. I won't go into details because maybe other people's stomachs not be able to handle it, but it was very, VERY disturbing. I met Quasim's brother this evening, and I can say now that I officially have a new crush. Yeah they're from Pakistan and all that, but he is very cute, and I think he might even be gay (call it the Gaydar beeping). And he didn't seem to mind pushing me around and stuff like that. It was very nice and all. And best believe, I will be calling Quasim a bit more often even if it's not actually for Quasim Otherwise, I met Lindsay's new fling tonight, Rob. Unbelievably, she's turned straight, and good thing too cause he's hot! He's very cute and very nice. A very nice masculine guy. Good for her. She said they've been dating for five months and it's getting serious. I just wonder if he knows about her previous history. Perhaps and perhaps not. I've been talking with this guy Jacques online and I think he wants to get serious with me but I'm not even looking at him like that for several reasons. For one, he's 41. Not that age is bad, but I have limits. And my limit is 32. And that's pushing it. I'm just not into older guys. And to top it off, I've met up with a bunch of older friends this past week. Charlie, John, Andrew, Nick, John Smith, Kyle, and Amanda VanHuelven of all people! Can you believe it? After all this time, I ran into her again. I didn't think I would for a long time. And I guess it has been a long time, but still. But I made sure to get most people's addresses. But I've got church in a few hours. I'll be back.

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