So this week has been really crazy ever since it started way back on Sunday. So I found out like a month ago that October 1st through the 6th is Pride Week across the world, and we wanted to do something with the 10% Society to celebrate so we've been planning Pride Week to coincide witht that. So it started out on Sunday with Angela Harvey talking about "That's Not Love, That's Stupid!" and from there it went on. However this week has been pretty crucial. So I had this ignorant fool named "Angel the Beautiful" (kinda gay, isn't it?) practically threaten to kill me on Tuesday in front of the other teacher and the students and stuff. So with all of that going on, after I provoke him to finally just go ahead and do it (which of course he didn't) I went to class. But after that we had our "Come Correct" forum on Wednesday since when they tried on Monday night with disasterous effects since "Jesus Christ Superstar" was here at the school. So we did it again and it was great and very intimate. I had a quick chat with pastors Micah and Katherine of the Church of the Painted Sky and they're really good and cool people. After that today we had our biggest event, and we decided to go all out. When I say we I mean of course myself, C.J. and Kamari. So we did it really big with pride flags and feathers and masks and glitter everywhere. It was very interesting. And we basically shouted to the world, "Hey we're here!" and honestly I can say that it was a very interesting experience. Suddenly people that were having conversations with you the day before didn't want to speak and so on. The cafteria ladies acted like they didn't want to take my lunch card to eat! So yeah...but we had our lock-in which was a big success. So all in all it was a very successful few days thanks to myself and big Kevin taking the initiative and moving shit around.
About Angel, today in class they went and decided to completely blast our project through their own by calling it the "ISUCKS" E-book computer chip which was a "magnamous failure" according to Laiaka. So yeah they blasted it again and again over and over and everyone kept looking in my direction. I said nothing and kept the mask on. But the funny part was when they finished even though everyone was laughing about it (except me, of course) they were leaving and Dr. Liu basically acted like she was going to fail them for the project due to the conduct that they showed during the presentation. So yeah that was funny as hell. But we'll have to see what happens. Later,.
9:38 AM
2 Kudos
Wednesday, 6 September 2006
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