Friday, 2 July 2010

July in Farnborough.

Wow this week has been so long. So, so, long. I'm glad that it's over. I can't express that enough. I've just been plowing through the script this week, trying to work on it for Liz and get it up to snuff. I had to make some pretty significant changes to the style of it, but I'm thinking that the style and the pace is much better suited now, so hopefully Liz will agree.

Other than that, it's pretty much been same ole same old. I went to Farnborough today, to an HE Fair that Tara sent me to because I wanted to get out of the city. In hindsight, I'm not sure that was a good thing because I had nothing but problems getting there and back. Getting there was easy enough, when the taxi picked me up this morning. I got to Clapham Junction and then that was where everything went wrong. Giving them the reservation they couldn't find anything and I was sitting there looking stupid. So I just went ahead and bought a ticket for myself. But doing this made me super late, and when I went to the staircase, I had to get in this weird contraption that I rolled in and she had to lower me backwards up the steps. Picture an adult-sized pram with military tread on the bottom. I can't think of any other way to put it. But I've never been so humiliated. It was very loud, very slow. I couldn't even look out at the people coming up the steps because I felt so humiliated. Then I got on the train and got there.

The fair was fine. Very long. But fine. And then I got ready to leave, got back to the station and talked to the manager and was told there was no way for disabled people to get across to the other side to get to Clapham Junction. So I had to head all the way down the track to this place Basingstoke and then go back to Clapham. Almost made me miss the Roehampton Car appointment I had. So annoying. So unnecessary. I don't think I'll be doing that again. Ugh.

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