Oh my lord. Well make this quick. I met Frank on Friday and [drumroll please] he's really cute and really funny and really everything. We left here and went and had a drink at this place that I can't pronounce because it didn't have English words on the window, or even German words for that matter. But Chinese characters, I think (sorry Stephanie). And I sipped on a BIG ASS screwdriver while we talked about everything. Then we went and he showed me the new castles of Stuttgart, and then the old castles of Stuttgart, and then we went to this hot ass place called L'Oasis with red lights and House music blasting. It was hot as hell! But in a good way. Then we went (after I ordered a Sex on the Beach which was more Sex than Beach) with me being really tipsy and all back to Frank's car where he drove me back home and we looked at his ex-boyfriend online, and then I started to give him a massage which ended up with me sucking his toes and him giving me the most amazing head I've had yet. So yeah all in all it was a bomb night.
So now, Frank and I have this relationship that closely resembles a romantic friendship, but I don't know what to call it. But in the other news, Jessica atomic bombs me this evening with her news that she was diagnosed with Genital Herpes for good. I can't believe that shit. That's like so major for me. I can't believe it. It's like something that's gonna hit me sometime next week. But honestly I can't say that I'm completely surprised at this development. She's been running around with a bunch of random guys and she never gets them tested, and she tests herself very irregularly, so I can't be surprised when she says that nobody knew anything except for Ezell which is this guy that's she's ben fucking for a while now, and shame on him for not telling her. But according to her she doesn't know who she got it from either Walt or Ezell cause they're both positive for it. Which is a double negative in her case. I'm just happy she wasn't diagnosed with like HIV or something. That'd really be too much to handle. But we always joke about her being bulletproof. We're about to see just how bulletproof she really is. Cause she got shot tonight.
Tuesday, 30 May 2006
Saturday, 27 May 2006
Quicker Than a Ray of Light...I'm Flying...
okay so it's 1:30 in the morning here and my life is flying past like a starship on warp factor 5. Sorry for the bad Star Trek analogy but it really is flying quite fast even for me. Let's see here. I met Gregan from Holland first who's this total hottie guy who's studying in New Zealand who likes the same thing I like, so that's one. B) found out I can put on a killer ass fashion show here at the Padagogische Hoschschule with Asta's help. C) I might be going to visit Switzerland real soon. D) I'm going to go to New York when I get back to the US to go to Manhattan and meet Peter Sanders whom I met online who wants to offer me an internship at his company through PR. And there's just so much more. Today is the day that I'm finally supposed to meet up with Frank, and so that's playing on my mind. And today is Susanna's birthday party, so yeah that's interesting. I'm getting fed up with German weather now. It's almost June and it's still cold as hell. I'm still wearing my sweaters that I thought I'd never have to again this semester. And I'm tired of people hollering at me for sex. I'm not interested and haven't been interested.But we shall see.
Monday, 8 May 2006
Germany 5
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Well lets see. I suppose just a quick update with whats happening in my life right now. Its May 2nd, so that means that Ive been here just a little over a month now, and I have to say that things are going better than I had expected them to. I mean when I arrived here a month ago, I had no clue as to what to expect and I was totally shitting bricks when I discovered that a) I might not be able to use my computer and or Xbox, and I was wondering just what the fuck I was supposed to do in the meantime if I couldn't do what I loved. Well to answer that question, I was delighted to discover that there's quite a bit to do in this sleepy little town called Ludwigsburg. But its not necessarily in Ludwigsburg, but transportation is basically accessible here, so its not really that serious. If I wanted to, I could hop the bus and head to Bruninger and go window shop for a while if I fancied it. Or I could outside and head down either direction for Favoritepark, and if I go south, it goes a little ways and stops at a beautiful lake where I could rent a boat and go lake ride for a while. Or head the other direction and it takes you to the palace, and everything down in that section. Or if I really wanted, I could hop the S bahn and go nearly anywhere in the near area including Bad Canstatt, and go to the Spring Festival. Or maybe to Stuttgart to the Hauptbahnof, where I could brow some vendors stores and get something to eat. Or in Stuttgart go to the Kino, and catch a movie to two. There's a lot to do in this little area, and it helps that's there so many different ways to get there. I mean I haven't even really got a chance to see everything in the area yet, but I'm working on that. I still haven't got the chance to go on that picnic that Einam and Idan keep talking about but Im still well get a chance to do it. And speaking of them, how bout they shocked the hell out of me when they informed me rather nonchalantly, that they're gonna take the rest of the week off from school and fly to Paris to go and visit France. That's pretty crucial if you ask me. I kinda wish they would've asked me to go with them, but then again, I didn't want to go in the first place. France isn't really my forte after all. I'm not dying to get to go there. Id be nice to see it and all, to say that I saw the Eiffel Tower and all that, but if I never get to go, I think Ill be alright. No, its London that's my main focus. And right now, Im telling myself that Im definitely gonna book a flight to London in June for the week that were off, cause I really want to see it. And Id like to the Swiss Alps while Im at. Michael informed me the other day, that the reason that we had assumed that he had disappeared off the face of the earth, was because he had jumped a train and went back to Switzerland to visit his family. Turns out the Swiss Alps are like three hours from here. That fact was like whoa to me. Ive always heard about them but Ive never seen them up close. I did get a good glimpse of them from the airplane when we were in the air over Stuttgart. But still I think it'd be cooler to be at the base of the things and say that Ive been to the Swiss Alps. That'd be hot as hell. Lets see. The coach in the sports department claims that hell give all the International Students free passes to use the sports room which is cool cause it saves us like 50 Euro a person, which is unheard of in the first place. At Pembroke we don't pay for it, which is cool cause were sure paying enough for tuition. I think that's enough to begin with. Speaking of the Broke, they'd be getting out for the summer right about now, which means that Finals are this week. Its funny but I had never even really thought about them the whole time I was here, I did respond to quite a few of the messages from my peoples at Da Broke, but seriously, I hadn't given much thought to them. And for that matter, I suddenly just got a knot in my stomach as I realized that I hadn't checked on Shon either. Im now seriously wondering if he managed to convince his Math teacher to let him through. I don't know. I really don't. But I do know that I need to find out soon. I want to know just as bad as Mom and them. Today I had the scampi incident with the pasta, and the restroom problem, just look at the pictures if you cant understand. Basically I couldn't go to the bathroom cause it was downstairs but finally I went after roaming through the entire restaurant and coming to the back. I broke off the faucet thing and almost flooded the place. I went and saw places that sell bongs and stuff like that. And ran into a Turkish festival of some kind. And that's basically what happened. Later.
Well lets see. I suppose just a quick update with whats happening in my life right now. Its May 2nd, so that means that Ive been here just a little over a month now, and I have to say that things are going better than I had expected them to. I mean when I arrived here a month ago, I had no clue as to what to expect and I was totally shitting bricks when I discovered that a) I might not be able to use my computer and or Xbox, and I was wondering just what the fuck I was supposed to do in the meantime if I couldn't do what I loved. Well to answer that question, I was delighted to discover that there's quite a bit to do in this sleepy little town called Ludwigsburg. But its not necessarily in Ludwigsburg, but transportation is basically accessible here, so its not really that serious. If I wanted to, I could hop the bus and head to Bruninger and go window shop for a while if I fancied it. Or I could outside and head down either direction for Favoritepark, and if I go south, it goes a little ways and stops at a beautiful lake where I could rent a boat and go lake ride for a while. Or head the other direction and it takes you to the palace, and everything down in that section. Or if I really wanted, I could hop the S bahn and go nearly anywhere in the near area including Bad Canstatt, and go to the Spring Festival. Or maybe to Stuttgart to the Hauptbahnof, where I could brow some vendors stores and get something to eat. Or in Stuttgart go to the Kino, and catch a movie to two. There's a lot to do in this little area, and it helps that's there so many different ways to get there. I mean I haven't even really got a chance to see everything in the area yet, but I'm working on that. I still haven't got the chance to go on that picnic that Einam and Idan keep talking about but Im still well get a chance to do it. And speaking of them, how bout they shocked the hell out of me when they informed me rather nonchalantly, that they're gonna take the rest of the week off from school and fly to Paris to go and visit France. That's pretty crucial if you ask me. I kinda wish they would've asked me to go with them, but then again, I didn't want to go in the first place. France isn't really my forte after all. I'm not dying to get to go there. Id be nice to see it and all, to say that I saw the Eiffel Tower and all that, but if I never get to go, I think Ill be alright. No, its London that's my main focus. And right now, Im telling myself that Im definitely gonna book a flight to London in June for the week that were off, cause I really want to see it. And Id like to the Swiss Alps while Im at. Michael informed me the other day, that the reason that we had assumed that he had disappeared off the face of the earth, was because he had jumped a train and went back to Switzerland to visit his family. Turns out the Swiss Alps are like three hours from here. That fact was like whoa to me. Ive always heard about them but Ive never seen them up close. I did get a good glimpse of them from the airplane when we were in the air over Stuttgart. But still I think it'd be cooler to be at the base of the things and say that Ive been to the Swiss Alps. That'd be hot as hell. Lets see. The coach in the sports department claims that hell give all the International Students free passes to use the sports room which is cool cause it saves us like 50 Euro a person, which is unheard of in the first place. At Pembroke we don't pay for it, which is cool cause were sure paying enough for tuition. I think that's enough to begin with. Speaking of the Broke, they'd be getting out for the summer right about now, which means that Finals are this week. Its funny but I had never even really thought about them the whole time I was here, I did respond to quite a few of the messages from my peoples at Da Broke, but seriously, I hadn't given much thought to them. And for that matter, I suddenly just got a knot in my stomach as I realized that I hadn't checked on Shon either. Im now seriously wondering if he managed to convince his Math teacher to let him through. I don't know. I really don't. But I do know that I need to find out soon. I want to know just as bad as Mom and them. Today I had the scampi incident with the pasta, and the restroom problem, just look at the pictures if you cant understand. Basically I couldn't go to the bathroom cause it was downstairs but finally I went after roaming through the entire restaurant and coming to the back. I broke off the faucet thing and almost flooded the place. I went and saw places that sell bongs and stuff like that. And ran into a Turkish festival of some kind. And that's basically what happened. Later.
Germany 4
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Okay wow. This day has been absolutely insane. I cant believe what Ive done or what I might do later on. Right now everything is up in the air. Well lets see here. Hows the best way to describe whats happening? I suppose Ill start from as early as I can remember. First off, we got a new student named Stephanie in class a few days ago. Shes from the Bejing region in China, and shes screwed. I mean that not disrespectfully but as a measure of pity. The girl comes from China and from what I was able to discern from the others about her situation, her boyfriend was also supposed to come from China and he speaks both very good English and German. But for some reason, he wasnt able to obtain a visa to come over, and so he was unable to travel with her, but she continued to come. So now shes basically trapped here in Germany without the ability to speak German, and she knows very little English. Its kinda sad really but from what Ive seen from her and the others have seen, shell do fairly well here. Shes staying for an entire year, which is more than even I could say for myself about this place. Yes, Ive decided to go home in the Fall, mainly because of the damn weather.

Its so freakin weird. And I dont even want to consider what the winter would be like here. I have a hard enough time as it is with the so-called spring weather. So Id hate to see the winter. But yeah theres Stephanie. Next we have JJ, or Joshua which I met just the other day. Hes an American from Oregon whos been here for a previous semester and chose to stay for an entire year so hes finishing out the reminder of his year here in the Spring. Hes gay and his boyfriend is also German, whos name is Marko (interesting, isnt it?). So yeah he came to the party that Markus and Dirk kind of created in the middle of nowhere at my apartment so suddenly without any real kind of preparation, I suddenly had like fifty people in my apartment just moving freely in and out without my say so. They came over and cooked some kind of German-Chinese dumplings which were pretty good, and some other stuff called like Spietzel or whatever, which wasnt so good. They left, (but not without leaving me two cartons of eggs, a bottle of wine and some spices, flour and an entire bucket of spetzel) and I got to meet Joshua, or JJ as Craig and I call him. And speaking of Craig, Im gonna get to that later. But hes really nice, a quiet sort of guy who doesnt say a lot in a conversation, (no Xavier took that spot over rather nicely) but hes nice. Anyway, weve been seeing him a lot over the last few days, and hes currently working on his paper, so hes off doing whatever he needs to. So yeah anyway, hes pretty cool.

Lets see. I got to go the beer festival in a place called Bad Canstatt which is like 20 minutes from Stuttgart. The first time I went with Ray, Michael, Einam and Idan, it was pretty challenging as we couldnt out what exactly we wanted to go and getting there itself is a pretty big challenge. But we got over it, and we went and had a pretty good time. It was okay. The second time I went though was the day before yesterday, on Thursday and that was banging. I went with Ray, Einam, Idan, Xavier, Kristen, Craig, Stephan, Eliza, Petra, Yolanda, Versula, and we met this really interesting guy named Duke on the way there at the station, who was supposed to be meeting up with Ray. Anyway, we went and I had a ball. I rode all the hard stuff this time, including this damn thing called the Transformer which is a giant ring you get on that rotates all the way around 360 degrees, and it was pretty interesting. It was alright until you do that first drop and it makes your face completely scrunch up in pain. It was really bad. And I thought I was going to have a heart attack when we flipped upside down really really slow. Its like your just going to just drop right out of the sky. It was really intense. And then I went on the Shake again, (and this was the ride that had instilled so much fear in me before) and this time was way more intense than the last time we had rode it. It started out kinda slow like always and then it started getting crazy but it wasnt until after she started the ride up again, when it got crazy. We were moving so fast on the ride that when we flipped upside down, it wouldnt stop and we just kept flipping again and again like eight and nine times in a row. We flipped so many times on the ride that my necklace with my key on it (since I had to buy it since the previous entry with the damn Hausmister) came off my neck and flew away into the audience and almost hit a girl in the eye. Im glad she didnt get hurt. But Id be even more pissed if my key vanished into thin air. So yeah that was that. I rode a reverse rollercoaster, and that was fun since I hadnt ridden a good rollercoaster in a long time. It was so fast I had a tear coming out of my eye, and when the ride was over, I had to wipe my face cause of the dried tears that had been leaking from the really fast air. Lets see, so I did that and I got on the damn helicopter ride which is called High Energy, and I was really scared of that thing cause its like 300 feet in the air and youre constantly rotating and spinning around and stuff. But it was okay. The Shake was worst, anyway. Um so yeah that was that. I got a chance to go down to Stuttgart and visit the inner city and see some interesting things. We saw street performers like this golden statue guy who was pretending to be a statuette and all of that. We saw a guy who was balancing a crystal ball around on his body, that was interesting.

And I got to roll around the most of downtown and see all the buildings and stuff. Then we went to a really interesting place that said it was a restaurant/bar/café. But the truth was, when we went into Brunner, we sat down and got a menu and found out even though the menu was like 50 pages long, the only food that they actually offered was on page 8, and it was one paragraph of spaghetti, salad and more pasta. The rest of the menu was nothing but drinks. So it was a serious place for a serious alcoholic. However the restaurant itself was exceptionally nice, it was very modern with black stretch sofas and cool lights and stuff. I just wish they wouldnt advertise themselves as a restaurant when its truthfully just a bar with a salad on the side. But from there, we went to this Italian restaurant and had lunch which was really good, and Ive discovered that so far whenever we do go to a restaurant (Ive been to three so far) all of the food has been fantastic and very five star looking. So thats definitely a plus in the Germany books. But yeah, after that I got to go with the crew yesterday and we went to what Craig calls Favoritepark South or part two. The original Favoritepark is a long ass trail that stretches about 20 minutes towards the palace, and it has all kinds of animals and shit on it. This particular one, which is the other direction, is just a trail that ends in a beautiful lake with swans and ducks and boats you can rent. It was very all very nice and for once the weather was quite perfect. It has been the first day of truly geninuely nice weather since Ive gotten here which is really sad. And it is also the contributing factor for why Im not staying. But after that, I treated myself to something called a white Magnum which is actually a bomb ass ice cream bar thats covered in white chocolate. And then we went back to my place, and then all of us went to the Döner shop which is where I took them to get some döner meat, which they all loved, and Craig claims it will be the new hangout spot from now on. From there we came back to my place and drank and talked till the wee hours. Being that now officially we dont have to deal with Markus, Dirk and the rest of them anymore. No now something far more sinister is going to be going on with actually classes and shit. Speaking of which, that test was kinda hard but I hope I did enough to pass. It seemed to me that Dirk was pleased enough with what I had on there, I just hope I can actually get credit for it, since I wasnt expecting that and it was a nice little surprise.

But after our excursion from part of the FP, we came here and talked and stuff. By the way I should mention that I found out yesterday that Peter Dines secretary, Frau Hubert, of which I assumed could only kinda speak English, since her English is kinda broken, I discovered on Friday that she can actually speak near fluent Spanish as well. So she switched over and we kinda conversed in Spanish for a while. I didnt get everything she said to be honest, but I got the main gist of what she wanted, and I suppose thats all one can ask for. So that should be interesting for real. She suggested that I sign up for the Spanish 2 class that Pagagoische is offering this semester, but I told her that I dont know because I dont want to come into the class a complete idiot, especially since I found out from her that none of the 3 professors that teach Spanish at the university actually speak any English. So that makes a bit more difficult. But then again, I kinda get wanna get used to speaking only one language for a while. Seems like everyone else here is trying to get into that groove, and I dont want to be left behind. And while Im on the subject of that let me bring out the fact that JJ told Craig yesterday that he basically shouldnt be spending so much time with me specifically because I dont speak German and that could lower his standards on wanting to practice his German in general. Personally, I think thats bullshit, cause the way I see it, Craigs gonna be getting plenty of German practice starting Monday when the classes start flowing. And its gonna be all week like that so I dont see the problem in speaking a little English on the side. However JJ is of the mindset that says that if you speak too much English youll forget how to speak German which I think is impossible being that Im physically in Germany and its everywhere you look. So I chose to leave that subject alone, but I certainly hope that Craig doesnt think that hes right. Now speaking of Craig.

Lets see here. Yesterday (being that its now Sunday April 23, 2006) was insane between me and Craig, and in truth, I could kinda see it coming. After the majority of people left, Craig and I was talking and he wanted to see the foot porn that I had here (which by the way Einam ran across and started asking me questions about which I just avoided by using Daniel as a scapegoat) and I was actually going to show it to him when JJ got here and we started talking. Before I knew what was going on, JJs friend E, (I dont know her real name) arrived and they laid on the couch and presided to just talk German for the next three hours to Craig in the chair. I on the other hand, was not about to just sit there and look stupid, so I played Oblivion while they talked. However, they talked a really long time (including this random question from E, that involved me having anal sex) and I began to get tired. Finally they got the hint, and up and left and it was just me and Craig. He was going to leave because of his contacts and stuff but remembered that I asked him if I could give him a massage. So he was really excited about it, so I did. I climbed on top of him and gave him a massage from the back down. Eventually he started taking off his pants (because he said I could get to his legs better, which is true) but he stayed turned over because he said he was getting hard off of it. And so I kept massaging and the next thing I know hes moaning all loud when I accidentally started blowing on his neck. So I kept blowing and one thing lead to another and before I knew what was going on, he was naked, and he was pulling my jeans off, so I just went with it and we did it, I suppose. At least from his standpoint of it. I thought that having sex included anal but I suppose not. I mean I jerked him off and that was the end of it, however he fucked up the whole program (which by the way, it was pretty porn-scene hot cause I had my Enigma CD blasting which is perfect sex music) when he asked to go the bathroom, and I got all the way naked, and when he came to get back in the bed, he said he had to go, and so he did, and I was left looking crazy and feeling confused. Now the thing about it is this. In truth, I really like Craig. I think hes cute, hes hilarious, and I think hes lonely. I know that one, he doesnt see me for my chair which is a big thing for me, two, hes a writer like me, so we have many of the same aspirations, and three, he lives in North Carolina and just got accepted into UNC Chapel Hill, which is like 20 minutes from my house, so we could theoretically keep the love affair going even after we leave Germany if he theoretically wanted to. ButI dont know really that much about his family, or what he feels about love romantically. I know he said that he loves guys that are supposedly straight or whatever, and I personally always felt like maybe I was too campy for him or whatever because Im all involved in Musical Theatre and I was involved in the clothes and stuff. But he knows my situation is different than most so maybe that changes things, Im not sure. When I think about what could happen with him, I wonder if whether or not we could actually date and make it work. Personally, I think so because we already click so well its kinda just natural but Im wondering if he feels the same.

My heart tells me he doesnt, so I dont know what to think. As far as the sex goes, we didnt actually finish what we were doing I dont think cause I didnt actually get to come with him, but it does take me a while to get hard, (unless Im previously thinking of something else) so maybe he took that as a sign that I wasnt into him, though the way we were twisting in the damn bed it was like a vanilla and chocolate ice cream swirl. And I did actually end up giving him head, and it sounded like he liked it, so Im not sure if thats good or not. Ill have to ask him about it the next time. We havent even mentioned anything close to it yet since it happened, but I think that might be because to him it was just a fuck/massage or because there was always someone else around when he was. Im not sure. For one thing, I just wanna know if he casually does what we did with just any guy, and if he was just give it up to some German guy in the club, then I wouldnt want to be with him anyways, cause Im trying to find someone whos looking for something, not someone whos desperate. But yeah it was very interesting yesterday. I didnt go to bed till 6. Well have to see what happens tomorrow in the land of supposed opportunitylol.
Okay wow. This day has been absolutely insane. I cant believe what Ive done or what I might do later on. Right now everything is up in the air. Well lets see here. Hows the best way to describe whats happening? I suppose Ill start from as early as I can remember. First off, we got a new student named Stephanie in class a few days ago. Shes from the Bejing region in China, and shes screwed. I mean that not disrespectfully but as a measure of pity. The girl comes from China and from what I was able to discern from the others about her situation, her boyfriend was also supposed to come from China and he speaks both very good English and German. But for some reason, he wasnt able to obtain a visa to come over, and so he was unable to travel with her, but she continued to come. So now shes basically trapped here in Germany without the ability to speak German, and she knows very little English. Its kinda sad really but from what Ive seen from her and the others have seen, shell do fairly well here. Shes staying for an entire year, which is more than even I could say for myself about this place. Yes, Ive decided to go home in the Fall, mainly because of the damn weather.

Its so freakin weird. And I dont even want to consider what the winter would be like here. I have a hard enough time as it is with the so-called spring weather. So Id hate to see the winter. But yeah theres Stephanie. Next we have JJ, or Joshua which I met just the other day. Hes an American from Oregon whos been here for a previous semester and chose to stay for an entire year so hes finishing out the reminder of his year here in the Spring. Hes gay and his boyfriend is also German, whos name is Marko (interesting, isnt it?). So yeah he came to the party that Markus and Dirk kind of created in the middle of nowhere at my apartment so suddenly without any real kind of preparation, I suddenly had like fifty people in my apartment just moving freely in and out without my say so. They came over and cooked some kind of German-Chinese dumplings which were pretty good, and some other stuff called like Spietzel or whatever, which wasnt so good. They left, (but not without leaving me two cartons of eggs, a bottle of wine and some spices, flour and an entire bucket of spetzel) and I got to meet Joshua, or JJ as Craig and I call him. And speaking of Craig, Im gonna get to that later. But hes really nice, a quiet sort of guy who doesnt say a lot in a conversation, (no Xavier took that spot over rather nicely) but hes nice. Anyway, weve been seeing him a lot over the last few days, and hes currently working on his paper, so hes off doing whatever he needs to. So yeah anyway, hes pretty cool.

Lets see. I got to go the beer festival in a place called Bad Canstatt which is like 20 minutes from Stuttgart. The first time I went with Ray, Michael, Einam and Idan, it was pretty challenging as we couldnt out what exactly we wanted to go and getting there itself is a pretty big challenge. But we got over it, and we went and had a pretty good time. It was okay. The second time I went though was the day before yesterday, on Thursday and that was banging. I went with Ray, Einam, Idan, Xavier, Kristen, Craig, Stephan, Eliza, Petra, Yolanda, Versula, and we met this really interesting guy named Duke on the way there at the station, who was supposed to be meeting up with Ray. Anyway, we went and I had a ball. I rode all the hard stuff this time, including this damn thing called the Transformer which is a giant ring you get on that rotates all the way around 360 degrees, and it was pretty interesting. It was alright until you do that first drop and it makes your face completely scrunch up in pain. It was really bad. And I thought I was going to have a heart attack when we flipped upside down really really slow. Its like your just going to just drop right out of the sky. It was really intense. And then I went on the Shake again, (and this was the ride that had instilled so much fear in me before) and this time was way more intense than the last time we had rode it. It started out kinda slow like always and then it started getting crazy but it wasnt until after she started the ride up again, when it got crazy. We were moving so fast on the ride that when we flipped upside down, it wouldnt stop and we just kept flipping again and again like eight and nine times in a row. We flipped so many times on the ride that my necklace with my key on it (since I had to buy it since the previous entry with the damn Hausmister) came off my neck and flew away into the audience and almost hit a girl in the eye. Im glad she didnt get hurt. But Id be even more pissed if my key vanished into thin air. So yeah that was that. I rode a reverse rollercoaster, and that was fun since I hadnt ridden a good rollercoaster in a long time. It was so fast I had a tear coming out of my eye, and when the ride was over, I had to wipe my face cause of the dried tears that had been leaking from the really fast air. Lets see, so I did that and I got on the damn helicopter ride which is called High Energy, and I was really scared of that thing cause its like 300 feet in the air and youre constantly rotating and spinning around and stuff. But it was okay. The Shake was worst, anyway. Um so yeah that was that. I got a chance to go down to Stuttgart and visit the inner city and see some interesting things. We saw street performers like this golden statue guy who was pretending to be a statuette and all of that. We saw a guy who was balancing a crystal ball around on his body, that was interesting.

And I got to roll around the most of downtown and see all the buildings and stuff. Then we went to a really interesting place that said it was a restaurant/bar/café. But the truth was, when we went into Brunner, we sat down and got a menu and found out even though the menu was like 50 pages long, the only food that they actually offered was on page 8, and it was one paragraph of spaghetti, salad and more pasta. The rest of the menu was nothing but drinks. So it was a serious place for a serious alcoholic. However the restaurant itself was exceptionally nice, it was very modern with black stretch sofas and cool lights and stuff. I just wish they wouldnt advertise themselves as a restaurant when its truthfully just a bar with a salad on the side. But from there, we went to this Italian restaurant and had lunch which was really good, and Ive discovered that so far whenever we do go to a restaurant (Ive been to three so far) all of the food has been fantastic and very five star looking. So thats definitely a plus in the Germany books. But yeah, after that I got to go with the crew yesterday and we went to what Craig calls Favoritepark South or part two. The original Favoritepark is a long ass trail that stretches about 20 minutes towards the palace, and it has all kinds of animals and shit on it. This particular one, which is the other direction, is just a trail that ends in a beautiful lake with swans and ducks and boats you can rent. It was very all very nice and for once the weather was quite perfect. It has been the first day of truly geninuely nice weather since Ive gotten here which is really sad. And it is also the contributing factor for why Im not staying. But after that, I treated myself to something called a white Magnum which is actually a bomb ass ice cream bar thats covered in white chocolate. And then we went back to my place, and then all of us went to the Döner shop which is where I took them to get some döner meat, which they all loved, and Craig claims it will be the new hangout spot from now on. From there we came back to my place and drank and talked till the wee hours. Being that now officially we dont have to deal with Markus, Dirk and the rest of them anymore. No now something far more sinister is going to be going on with actually classes and shit. Speaking of which, that test was kinda hard but I hope I did enough to pass. It seemed to me that Dirk was pleased enough with what I had on there, I just hope I can actually get credit for it, since I wasnt expecting that and it was a nice little surprise.

But after our excursion from part of the FP, we came here and talked and stuff. By the way I should mention that I found out yesterday that Peter Dines secretary, Frau Hubert, of which I assumed could only kinda speak English, since her English is kinda broken, I discovered on Friday that she can actually speak near fluent Spanish as well. So she switched over and we kinda conversed in Spanish for a while. I didnt get everything she said to be honest, but I got the main gist of what she wanted, and I suppose thats all one can ask for. So that should be interesting for real. She suggested that I sign up for the Spanish 2 class that Pagagoische is offering this semester, but I told her that I dont know because I dont want to come into the class a complete idiot, especially since I found out from her that none of the 3 professors that teach Spanish at the university actually speak any English. So that makes a bit more difficult. But then again, I kinda get wanna get used to speaking only one language for a while. Seems like everyone else here is trying to get into that groove, and I dont want to be left behind. And while Im on the subject of that let me bring out the fact that JJ told Craig yesterday that he basically shouldnt be spending so much time with me specifically because I dont speak German and that could lower his standards on wanting to practice his German in general. Personally, I think thats bullshit, cause the way I see it, Craigs gonna be getting plenty of German practice starting Monday when the classes start flowing. And its gonna be all week like that so I dont see the problem in speaking a little English on the side. However JJ is of the mindset that says that if you speak too much English youll forget how to speak German which I think is impossible being that Im physically in Germany and its everywhere you look. So I chose to leave that subject alone, but I certainly hope that Craig doesnt think that hes right. Now speaking of Craig.

Lets see here. Yesterday (being that its now Sunday April 23, 2006) was insane between me and Craig, and in truth, I could kinda see it coming. After the majority of people left, Craig and I was talking and he wanted to see the foot porn that I had here (which by the way Einam ran across and started asking me questions about which I just avoided by using Daniel as a scapegoat) and I was actually going to show it to him when JJ got here and we started talking. Before I knew what was going on, JJs friend E, (I dont know her real name) arrived and they laid on the couch and presided to just talk German for the next three hours to Craig in the chair. I on the other hand, was not about to just sit there and look stupid, so I played Oblivion while they talked. However, they talked a really long time (including this random question from E, that involved me having anal sex) and I began to get tired. Finally they got the hint, and up and left and it was just me and Craig. He was going to leave because of his contacts and stuff but remembered that I asked him if I could give him a massage. So he was really excited about it, so I did. I climbed on top of him and gave him a massage from the back down. Eventually he started taking off his pants (because he said I could get to his legs better, which is true) but he stayed turned over because he said he was getting hard off of it. And so I kept massaging and the next thing I know hes moaning all loud when I accidentally started blowing on his neck. So I kept blowing and one thing lead to another and before I knew what was going on, he was naked, and he was pulling my jeans off, so I just went with it and we did it, I suppose. At least from his standpoint of it. I thought that having sex included anal but I suppose not. I mean I jerked him off and that was the end of it, however he fucked up the whole program (which by the way, it was pretty porn-scene hot cause I had my Enigma CD blasting which is perfect sex music) when he asked to go the bathroom, and I got all the way naked, and when he came to get back in the bed, he said he had to go, and so he did, and I was left looking crazy and feeling confused. Now the thing about it is this. In truth, I really like Craig. I think hes cute, hes hilarious, and I think hes lonely. I know that one, he doesnt see me for my chair which is a big thing for me, two, hes a writer like me, so we have many of the same aspirations, and three, he lives in North Carolina and just got accepted into UNC Chapel Hill, which is like 20 minutes from my house, so we could theoretically keep the love affair going even after we leave Germany if he theoretically wanted to. ButI dont know really that much about his family, or what he feels about love romantically. I know he said that he loves guys that are supposedly straight or whatever, and I personally always felt like maybe I was too campy for him or whatever because Im all involved in Musical Theatre and I was involved in the clothes and stuff. But he knows my situation is different than most so maybe that changes things, Im not sure. When I think about what could happen with him, I wonder if whether or not we could actually date and make it work. Personally, I think so because we already click so well its kinda just natural but Im wondering if he feels the same.

My heart tells me he doesnt, so I dont know what to think. As far as the sex goes, we didnt actually finish what we were doing I dont think cause I didnt actually get to come with him, but it does take me a while to get hard, (unless Im previously thinking of something else) so maybe he took that as a sign that I wasnt into him, though the way we were twisting in the damn bed it was like a vanilla and chocolate ice cream swirl. And I did actually end up giving him head, and it sounded like he liked it, so Im not sure if thats good or not. Ill have to ask him about it the next time. We havent even mentioned anything close to it yet since it happened, but I think that might be because to him it was just a fuck/massage or because there was always someone else around when he was. Im not sure. For one thing, I just wanna know if he casually does what we did with just any guy, and if he was just give it up to some German guy in the club, then I wouldnt want to be with him anyways, cause Im trying to find someone whos looking for something, not someone whos desperate. But yeah it was very interesting yesterday. I didnt go to bed till 6. Well have to see what happens tomorrow in the land of supposed opportunitylol.
Germany 3
Thursday, April 13th, 2006
Alright so its Thursday and Ive officially been here for almost two weeks now. I cant believe it. Time truly is flying fast like hell here but then again, I suppose thats a good thing. Better than time moving too slow. So lets see heres the update from Monday. The party was bangin like hell! Of course, I knew it was gonna be cause of course its me, but everyone had a wonderful time and didnt leave till like 3 in the morning. So that was a signal to me that everyone had a good time and they were still talking about it on Wednesday and even today, which is good. I found out some interesting things.
For one, Markus likes going down on girls, and Michael isnt as innocent everyone originally believed him to be. For one, hes had sex in a bathroom to start. That was kinda interesting. Of course, I had to start everything off with the Golden Tin of Death, by making a fake orgasm from a girl which everyone enjoyed even though I was embarrassed as hell. So yeah thats cool. So now, Ive seemed to have lost both my digital camera and my little CD case so that means things like Marques Houston, and many of my cd mixes, and Gigi DAgostino is totally gone now. But its not a total loss even though Mya gone now too. I managed to keep a majority of the really good stuff, and of course Doby is still here. Id kill someone of that dog disappeared. But now everything has kinda even evened out I managed to find a piece of equipment that fits into my television which allows me to do the Xbox 360 thing again, so were back in business with all of that. Now all I gotta do is get the Internet back in this place and well really be rolling again. We had an interesting time going to the mall today, me and Craig, Einam, Idan, and Ray. And on the way back we had to roll from downtown Ludwigsburg in ice cold rain back to the apartments. And oh yeah by the way, I left the apartment leaving my wallet on the chair by the door, and the ordeal cost me 20 Euros since the Hauismisser had to come and open the door for me. That was complete and utter bullshit since the key was right there. But nevertheless, Im back in my apartment, and I went and bought a keychain that has the key hanging around my neck, so I never lose it again. Cause I dont want to go through that again. And by the way I saw a killer David Beckham poster that I am SOOOOO going back to get as soon as I can, it was sooo hot! And by the way, I went and looked on Facebook and discovered that a billion of my friends had wished me Happy Birthday and I had like four pages of birthday wishes, which was cool, but I had a lot of replies to do. Finally I decided today to break the spell of writers block thats been bugging me for a while (I can thank Craig for that) and decided to start a new novel about Michael the Archangel as an assassin for God who falls in love with his mark, while trying to avoid another demon who has also fallen for the main character. Its called the Book of Life right now but thats tentative. So although today as been pretty eventful. I wonder what this weekend holds being Easter and all. We shall see. Later.
Alright so its Thursday and Ive officially been here for almost two weeks now. I cant believe it. Time truly is flying fast like hell here but then again, I suppose thats a good thing. Better than time moving too slow. So lets see heres the update from Monday. The party was bangin like hell! Of course, I knew it was gonna be cause of course its me, but everyone had a wonderful time and didnt leave till like 3 in the morning. So that was a signal to me that everyone had a good time and they were still talking about it on Wednesday and even today, which is good. I found out some interesting things.
For one, Markus likes going down on girls, and Michael isnt as innocent everyone originally believed him to be. For one, hes had sex in a bathroom to start. That was kinda interesting. Of course, I had to start everything off with the Golden Tin of Death, by making a fake orgasm from a girl which everyone enjoyed even though I was embarrassed as hell. So yeah thats cool. So now, Ive seemed to have lost both my digital camera and my little CD case so that means things like Marques Houston, and many of my cd mixes, and Gigi DAgostino is totally gone now. But its not a total loss even though Mya gone now too. I managed to keep a majority of the really good stuff, and of course Doby is still here. Id kill someone of that dog disappeared. But now everything has kinda even evened out I managed to find a piece of equipment that fits into my television which allows me to do the Xbox 360 thing again, so were back in business with all of that. Now all I gotta do is get the Internet back in this place and well really be rolling again. We had an interesting time going to the mall today, me and Craig, Einam, Idan, and Ray. And on the way back we had to roll from downtown Ludwigsburg in ice cold rain back to the apartments. And oh yeah by the way, I left the apartment leaving my wallet on the chair by the door, and the ordeal cost me 20 Euros since the Hauismisser had to come and open the door for me. That was complete and utter bullshit since the key was right there. But nevertheless, Im back in my apartment, and I went and bought a keychain that has the key hanging around my neck, so I never lose it again. Cause I dont want to go through that again. And by the way I saw a killer David Beckham poster that I am SOOOOO going back to get as soon as I can, it was sooo hot! And by the way, I went and looked on Facebook and discovered that a billion of my friends had wished me Happy Birthday and I had like four pages of birthday wishes, which was cool, but I had a lot of replies to do. Finally I decided today to break the spell of writers block thats been bugging me for a while (I can thank Craig for that) and decided to start a new novel about Michael the Archangel as an assassin for God who falls in love with his mark, while trying to avoid another demon who has also fallen for the main character. Its called the Book of Life right now but thats tentative. So although today as been pretty eventful. I wonder what this weekend holds being Easter and all. We shall see. Later.
Germany 2

Monday, April 10th 2006,
Happy B-day me!!! Yeah! Im now officially 20 years old! Wow. I cant believe it. Im not a teenager anymore. Thats so weird. I spent seven years of my life as a teenager. And now I cant officially be called that anymore to my face. Thats seriously crucial. So well now, nothing much happened yesterday I pretty much chilled out in preparation for this evening, which is looking like its gonna be a trip for real! However I decide to venture to the Pavillion, where Craig, Ray and myself quickly joined up with Yolanda and her sidekick whose name weve have discovered is Versula.

And we chilled there for a while when guess who else should so up? No thankfully, not Montana but actually Michael from jolly old Switzerland who showed up with this dude named Antonio and this other guy whom we really didnt care about. So we chilled with them a bit, (you know I had to chill with Michael) and then Anam and Idan showed up finally and all of us sat around the bar drinking, (me with my Smirnoff) and everyone else with their various drinks. Yolanda was the only one without alcohol though Im not sure why.

However Craig was right when he said that his wit gets sharper as he drinks cause he had me out of breath laughing so hard at Michael who was sitting not two feet away from us the entire evening. I swear Ive never laughed so hard in my entire life. But apparently we share the same fondness for a piece of Swedish meat. Lol. Now the trick is seeing if we can convince Michael to fall for it! Thatd be beyond words, I know. So I guess Im gonna go now so I can prepare for today. Gotta give my mom a call and find out what theyre doing and all that good stuff. So until later.
Germany 1

Monday, April 3rd, 2006
Okay, so Ive had to continue my MySpace blogs here because I cant connect to the Internet. So for now, this is the only thing that will have to do. And Im here now in Germany and have been for the last two days. And so now I will attempt to describe what the trip over here was like. After I packed all my stuff, we left the house and I got my hair cut for the last time in what seems like a long time coming. After that, we went to the Taco Bell/KFC split and had lunch, and then went to the airport where my mom let me borrow two hundred dollars, which she turned into Euros, which only gave me about 140 of them. I left, still with 60.00 in my pocket, and boarded the jet to Atlanta, after getting a lengthy search behind this plated glass with this airport security guard. After all of that, I moved on and boarded the jet to Atlanta, as the pilot came and sat next to me.

I was freaking out for a little while after that cause I thought he was flying, but he wasnt. We talked for a bit, and he offered to help me out with the whole incident with the Red Cross. After that, I made it to Atlanta in 56 minutes and Lorenzo from the Hartsfield-Jackson Airport met me and took me to the terminal to get to the next flight. The only reason I know his name is because he was very adamant in mentioning his tip to me, even though directly proclaiming that he wasnt soliciting for money because he could lose his job. After all of that, we made our way to the terminal. I waited for a few minutes, even though I was supposed to board first, and then boarded the Delta plane to get to Stuttgart. When I got on the plane, a man sat next to me, and we talked for a little while and I found out he was a huge 50 Cent fan, which kinda freaked me out. After all of that, I flew just fine and watched a few movies like Harry Potter and then The Family Stone with Sarah Jessica Parker.

After I slept and woke up to a delicious breakfast, (which on the airplane was quite a shock) of break and jelly, I landed and was greeted by Markus and this chick named Sarah who took me to my apartment here in Ludwigsburg. While on the highway, I realized quickly that Germany does not have speed limit signs around, so getting on the highway is kinda dangerous, and she had to fight her way through traffic quite a bit to get where she was going. After all, I moved in and discovered that Dirk, Markus other friend and mentor didnt know what he was doing and in result, blew my transformer. Markus got me a replacement, and we tried it to discover it worked, only to have the room blow out when I plugged in my other power strip. After purchasing another box, we realized what a mistake that was when Markus flipped the switch on the wall restoring power and the original box back to its original state. After the drama with the box, I started going out different places and trying different things and I realized a couple of things.

First off, I knew that I was going to be a commodity here in Ludwigsburg, being that people around here dont really see black people too often around here, even more less people with disabilities, so that just makes me worst in their sight. But going around town, people continuously just stare without regards to my feelings or anyone else nearby for that matter. But it matters not. I dont care. I didnt come here for them. So if they want to look, let them go right ahead. Im still gonna keep rolling around and minding my business.
I met a few of the people from class and have become good friends with them. We have Ray, whos pretty reserved but hes funny and he likes Germany a lot, being that hes been here before, and then his opposite this fool Craig, whos bisexual and crazy as hell. The kind of person whos a say-anything, do-anything kinda guy whos a wildfire to be around. But is funnier than anyone I know right now, and he makes me crack up. The Anam and Idan, the Israeli couple who speak English and are in the class, theyre really nice and everyone likes hanging out with them. Theres Michael, who we just met the other day from Switzerland, and hes hot and modest, but who cares cause hes so hot kinda dorky guy, and then theres Yolanda from Bulgaria. Shes really pretty and very nice and then the three girls from Romania who are crazy as hell and make up the other part of me and Craigs posse. Complete this with Flor, the Russian whore/bride whom Craig makes fun of every hour, Mandy, the pretty red head from Australia who hangs out with spiders and scorpions, Manuel, who is very outgoing and almost scary in a kind of way, and hes also involved with Angela, whos another tutor here with Markus and Dirk. Markus of course, is incredibly hot but hes a sports jock who only listens to himself and then Dirk who only obeys Markus, and kinda is dragged along everywhere.

Then youve got Kristen whos from Charlotte and a perfect match for Xavier, whos also from UNCP, and they hang out and get drunk together. And finally theres Montana, whos real name is Dillon James and hes from Montana, obviously. We dont really like him because hes very negative and constantly attempting to push his view on everyone else. And this is ironic because three days ago, he was bitching everyone out because he said he was lonely and had no one to talk to. Now he seems to be jumping inside everyones head, and disrupting a lot of good feelings for everyone. And thats everyone in our little group so far. Its turning out to be very interesting indeed. Personally, I say this is going to be one hell of a trip, which is what I was expecting anyway.

As far as today was concerned, thatd be April 8th, yesterday, it was pretty cool. It started out with me waking up around 11 and then I took a shower and listened to some Madonna, got dressed made some pasta, and went out to go and visit the castle of Ludwigsburg. We had to take a long ass walk to get there which took about 20 minutes alone, and on the way I got to see the real Favoritepark, which is a long trail which leads to the castles main entrance. Craig got plenty of pictures, so Ill put those in a little later. There was plenty of animals and stuff like rams and elk and deer and squirrels with the traditional Mohawks. We got to the castle and went inside, and I got to see how people lived like 300 years ago. It was pretty cool really. They had some fabulous stuff in that castle like grand ballrooms with marble everywhere and mirror rooms, and tons of secret passageways. We got to see a couple getting married in the castle so that was cool. Then we left the castle and everyone else went home. I went with Craig and Ray and we went to a restaurant near downtown Ludwigsburg where we had dinner.

It was very cool with oil lamps and stuff and the food was fabulous. The waitress was awesome too. Ramona was her name. Shes very cool. And she even offered to drive me into Stuttgart if I give her a call. I might be using that soon enough well see.
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