Monday, April 3rd, 2006
Okay, so Ive had to continue my MySpace blogs here because I cant connect to the Internet. So for now, this is the only thing that will have to do. And Im here now in Germany and have been for the last two days. And so now I will attempt to describe what the trip over here was like. After I packed all my stuff, we left the house and I got my hair cut for the last time in what seems like a long time coming. After that, we went to the Taco Bell/KFC split and had lunch, and then went to the airport where my mom let me borrow two hundred dollars, which she turned into Euros, which only gave me about 140 of them. I left, still with 60.00 in my pocket, and boarded the jet to Atlanta, after getting a lengthy search behind this plated glass with this airport security guard. After all of that, I moved on and boarded the jet to Atlanta, as the pilot came and sat next to me.

I was freaking out for a little while after that cause I thought he was flying, but he wasnt. We talked for a bit, and he offered to help me out with the whole incident with the Red Cross. After that, I made it to Atlanta in 56 minutes and Lorenzo from the Hartsfield-Jackson Airport met me and took me to the terminal to get to the next flight. The only reason I know his name is because he was very adamant in mentioning his tip to me, even though directly proclaiming that he wasnt soliciting for money because he could lose his job. After all of that, we made our way to the terminal. I waited for a few minutes, even though I was supposed to board first, and then boarded the Delta plane to get to Stuttgart. When I got on the plane, a man sat next to me, and we talked for a little while and I found out he was a huge 50 Cent fan, which kinda freaked me out. After all of that, I flew just fine and watched a few movies like Harry Potter and then The Family Stone with Sarah Jessica Parker.

After I slept and woke up to a delicious breakfast, (which on the airplane was quite a shock) of break and jelly, I landed and was greeted by Markus and this chick named Sarah who took me to my apartment here in Ludwigsburg. While on the highway, I realized quickly that Germany does not have speed limit signs around, so getting on the highway is kinda dangerous, and she had to fight her way through traffic quite a bit to get where she was going. After all, I moved in and discovered that Dirk, Markus other friend and mentor didnt know what he was doing and in result, blew my transformer. Markus got me a replacement, and we tried it to discover it worked, only to have the room blow out when I plugged in my other power strip. After purchasing another box, we realized what a mistake that was when Markus flipped the switch on the wall restoring power and the original box back to its original state. After the drama with the box, I started going out different places and trying different things and I realized a couple of things.

First off, I knew that I was going to be a commodity here in Ludwigsburg, being that people around here dont really see black people too often around here, even more less people with disabilities, so that just makes me worst in their sight. But going around town, people continuously just stare without regards to my feelings or anyone else nearby for that matter. But it matters not. I dont care. I didnt come here for them. So if they want to look, let them go right ahead. Im still gonna keep rolling around and minding my business.
I met a few of the people from class and have become good friends with them. We have Ray, whos pretty reserved but hes funny and he likes Germany a lot, being that hes been here before, and then his opposite this fool Craig, whos bisexual and crazy as hell. The kind of person whos a say-anything, do-anything kinda guy whos a wildfire to be around. But is funnier than anyone I know right now, and he makes me crack up. The Anam and Idan, the Israeli couple who speak English and are in the class, theyre really nice and everyone likes hanging out with them. Theres Michael, who we just met the other day from Switzerland, and hes hot and modest, but who cares cause hes so hot kinda dorky guy, and then theres Yolanda from Bulgaria. Shes really pretty and very nice and then the three girls from Romania who are crazy as hell and make up the other part of me and Craigs posse. Complete this with Flor, the Russian whore/bride whom Craig makes fun of every hour, Mandy, the pretty red head from Australia who hangs out with spiders and scorpions, Manuel, who is very outgoing and almost scary in a kind of way, and hes also involved with Angela, whos another tutor here with Markus and Dirk. Markus of course, is incredibly hot but hes a sports jock who only listens to himself and then Dirk who only obeys Markus, and kinda is dragged along everywhere.

Then youve got Kristen whos from Charlotte and a perfect match for Xavier, whos also from UNCP, and they hang out and get drunk together. And finally theres Montana, whos real name is Dillon James and hes from Montana, obviously. We dont really like him because hes very negative and constantly attempting to push his view on everyone else. And this is ironic because three days ago, he was bitching everyone out because he said he was lonely and had no one to talk to. Now he seems to be jumping inside everyones head, and disrupting a lot of good feelings for everyone. And thats everyone in our little group so far. Its turning out to be very interesting indeed. Personally, I say this is going to be one hell of a trip, which is what I was expecting anyway.

As far as today was concerned, thatd be April 8th, yesterday, it was pretty cool. It started out with me waking up around 11 and then I took a shower and listened to some Madonna, got dressed made some pasta, and went out to go and visit the castle of Ludwigsburg. We had to take a long ass walk to get there which took about 20 minutes alone, and on the way I got to see the real Favoritepark, which is a long trail which leads to the castles main entrance. Craig got plenty of pictures, so Ill put those in a little later. There was plenty of animals and stuff like rams and elk and deer and squirrels with the traditional Mohawks. We got to the castle and went inside, and I got to see how people lived like 300 years ago. It was pretty cool really. They had some fabulous stuff in that castle like grand ballrooms with marble everywhere and mirror rooms, and tons of secret passageways. We got to see a couple getting married in the castle so that was cool. Then we left the castle and everyone else went home. I went with Craig and Ray and we went to a restaurant near downtown Ludwigsburg where we had dinner.

It was very cool with oil lamps and stuff and the food was fabulous. The waitress was awesome too. Ramona was her name. Shes very cool. And she even offered to drive me into Stuttgart if I give her a call. I might be using that soon enough well see.
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