Thursday, 30 March 2006

Countdown to the Finale....

"We Are The Sum Of Our Experiences."


Well, well. Here we are. All of us together in one piece as we take a look back and glance at what has been my life since this crazy mess started a little less than a year ago. Back then, it was merely a dream, merely a passing thought, something that I thought about when I went to sleep. It was something I used to wonder when I was eating, and I'd wonder how they did it, or how they slept and what their cities looked like. And yet here I am a year later, and in approximately 20 hours and 40 minutes, I'll be boarding a plane for the first time in my life to head some 5,000 miles East and to Germany. I have to say that as I'm sitting here and I finished packing my life away, (which incidently can just about fit into a large suitcase, a medium suitcase, and a carryon bag) I had second thoughts. I mean I'm sitting here wondering,"Just what the fuck am I getting ready to do? This is fucking crazy!" This time tomorrow evening, I'll be on a plane flying over the Atlantic Ocean to live somewhere for five fucking months in place where people barely speak any English. On the surface, quite frankly it's overwhelming. I mean, millions of people that I don't know. Thousands of faces daily. And languages and tongues that I can't even begin to rememeber. I got a taste of this when I went to my friend Qasim's house over the weekend and stayed a few days. Qasim and his brood are from Pakistan, so they can speak Urdu/Hindi quite fluently with English mixed right on in. They'd be sitting there just gabbing away as I'm sitting there listening just wondering and hoping they weren't commenting about me. But in the end, who really knows? And so tomorrow, I will flying thousands of feet above the ground staring at the window of an impossibly small plane thinking about how I want to be on the ground. And oh god when I get there. That's going to be one hell of a story. It's a good thing I've got MySpace, cause you'll be there to capture every single minute of the heartbreak, the triumph, and the generally all around madness that is quickly turning out to be my life. This trip to Germany will represent more than me just going to study at another university cause if I really wanted to do that I could transfer to High Point or something. No, this is about my dream. Ever since I was three years old, I have always wanted to travel to Europe. I just never ever ever ever thought I'd be doing it right now. I thought maybe I'd do it when I was like 30 or something working a job looking for a good place to vacation. And yet I'm going now, turning 20 in a week, to a completely new place. And to add it together, Trick and I are slowly rebuilding our relationship, which always makes me feel better. But we shall certainly see. Well then. Until next time from Ludwigsburg Germany. Goodnight, and Goodluck.



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