Saturday, 4 March 2006

All the King's Horses, & All the King's Men, Could Put This Back Together Again...

This Entry Is Long, But Well Worth It.

Well I'm pleased to say that finally after so long of getting nothing but constant bad news one right after the other, and feeling like shit for the past week, that things are finally getting settled down. Not looking up neccessarily, but at least all the pieces are where they need to be. I can see where everything is, and where it's going and what I need to do to keep it that way.'s the new deal.

First off, still no word back from Bobby. No sure what he's going to do in regards to that Xbox, but considering that I probably won't be getting it back (with a high probability of eighty percent), I figure I would just use the money he sends me buy a new one and ship it off, and keep the difference. Pocket myself a cool three hundred bucks. Not the miraculous eight hundred I was hungry for, but money is money. I realize that now. And at this point in the game, I vying for whatever I can get my hands on.

Speaking of Diane, I've come to discover that somehow, in someone's distant mind, she has discovered that out of her security deposit box, (of which I had no clue she kept) a whopping $900.00 dollars has come sweeping out like a bat out of hell. And all signs are pointing towards me at this point. Not really sure if they're pointing anywhere else, cause NO ONE EVER CALLS ME TO LET ME KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.... but I can get over it. I will say it once and only once. I had absolutely nothing to do with it. At this point, if she's going to blame me, I wish I did have something to do with it, cause at least I would have got away with 900 bucks, and not be fucking scrounching around for what I can find. But anyway, we're not going to dwell on that. Cause it will just make me angrier.

I went to see UltraViolet today at the theatres with Qasim. That movie fucking rocks! Milla J. is da baddest bitch! Move yo ass over Trina. Cause you aint got shit on dis bitch! She was dodging bullets at point blank range in a complete circle against fifteen guys. Without slow motion! Do that, Neo! I don't think so! And to top it off, she took on 700 (count it) goons at the end, and won! How's that for a body count? Neo was having mega trouble with a mere 100 Agent Smiths. Ha. 100. Violet laughs at the very thought of something as pitiful as that. But yeah. It was as fucking awesome as action movies get. Definately one for the collection.

In other news, I found out with much relief and delight that my check is still on the way from the school. Apparently before I switched sides from Char Safley to Ronnie Sampson, Char had the insight to green light my electronic signature for the entire year. Which means, I don't have to worry about getting confirmation for this semester. Which means, they're going to be sending that check, and it gets sent to me. So hopefully I'll be looking at another 2 grand plus before the month is out. That will be my life saving support system. Cause I've still got to get books and groceries. But at least that's one less thing to worry about.

I ordered my wheelchair batteries today, officially draining out the rest of my account, (I just hope my parents have enough sensitivity left not to ask me for rent, with this whole Diane drama playing out) and their going to be here some time next week. It will be nice to be in my electric chair again, riding to the theatre when I damn well please, cause this Qasim shit just aint workin' out. Not that I don't appreciate it, cause Lord knows what I'd do if he didn't take me everywhere. But still I hate to be such a burden on him and his car. It can barely support him as it is. So I'll have a new set of batteries next week. Which leaves only the issue of the electric converter. And now, since that incident with the phone company earlier this week, I officially don't have enough to order the converter, which means I'll have to wait on the check from the school, or ask my parents to borrow a hundred bucks to get it. Which I'll probably do anyway.

Mom's off in Myrtle Beach, and I called Delta Airlines where I got the disturbing news that they were attempting to reassemble my chair when I reach Atlanta airport. My fligth itinerary looks like this: 3:02 pm, I leave RDU and fly to Atlanta reaching it at 5:11 pm. Then approximately at 6:00 sharp, the plane leaves Atlanta to head for Stuttgart Germany where it arrives at 10:00 am the next morning, or April 1st. According to Delta Airlines, I need approximately 60 minutes in between planes in order to switch with ease. But as you can see, (if you can count) I don't have 60 minutes from Atlanta's flight. So I will have to contact them to let them know not to reassemble my chair when I land. Hopefully that will fix itself.

I paid off the last of the phone bill like I said, amid threats of legal action, forcing me to forgo my plans of the converter. Instead, I paid off the school's insurance to Tina this morning, including the front page of the passport document like she asked. Now the only thing left is to obtain the directions on the breakdown of the chair, contact the school in regards to classes, and meet Peter on the 17th of this month. Officially I have done a hell of a lot to get prepared for this experience, but I know it will pay for itself. I know that this trip will be one for the history books. If not for UNCP, at least for me. Something I can always remember. And it's for that reason, I can't wait. Let alone my birthday...hehehe.

Oh yeah, by the way, I talked to Daniel. He seems to understand that I don't neccessarily want to sleep with him again. He seemed rather cordial and understanding about my situation, agreeing to keep it on the low. He offered for me to meet Henri and all and spend some time together, which is want I wanted in the first place. It's funny how I had to give up the ass to do Anyway, till next time. Hopefully things will only go up from here. We can hope. I know I do.


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