Well, well. Here's an update on the current situation, of exhibit A, my life. Currently in the situation we have A: Diane accusing me of stealing $900.00; B: A financial situation up in smoke, and C: The prospects of ther Germany trip looming ever closer. Let's take a closer cross examination of each of these aspects.
The jury presents exhibit A:
I had a very interesting conversation with my mother yesterday in which she devolves to me the real reason behind the Diane madness. First off, let me say after two and half weeks of fervent negotiations, my things have finally been returned but not in all one piece, according to Jessica and my mother. I have yet to actually witness this for myself, but we shall see. According to my mother and she's correct and for this I really do thank God for the insight and knowledge of dodging something yet to come. She told me that when Diane returned to Orlando without me of course, she found out that her safety deposit box had been disposed off minus 900 dollars. Of course, I have no clue of what she's referring to, because she never mentioned a box to me. However she calls my mother in Myrtle Beach and informs her that I must've taken the money because I was the only one who knew where it was. HUH???? WHAT THE FUCK? That's part of the situation is completely insane. I had no clue where this lady kept her stuff, and on top of that I was trying my best to be a polite and courteous host to her when she invited me in because I had plans to live in her house. Why would I want to fuck that up by stealing her money? Like she couldn't tell it was gone! Duh! What a stupid thing for me to do! And that's why I didn't, though I didn't even see the money in the first place for me to have stolen it. And according to my mother, Diane was going to have me arrested on criminal charges for her stuff. So by being here, it kept her from doing that and she had to go through my mother, who vehemently insisted that I didn't do it. However, I just thought of something quite brillant. If Diane keeps checking her safety deposit box before she does something dealing with her money, I'm sure she checked it before we left on the trip, considering that it was a trip out of state and all of that. Obviously, the money wasn't missing then, because she would have went off about it. However, we were gone for two days from the house leaving no one but Jessica alone in the house. And in fact, I just asked her about that for which she has no answer. Because there is no answer. Either way. It will be the end for someone. Either myself and Jessica, or Diane and Jessica. We shall have to see. Prosecution Rests.
And now for exhibit B:
The check is gone, thanks to the cell phone company, wheelchair batteries and was supposed to be Tina's insurance policy. However, despite the warning I gave her via email, she ignored it, and as a result, she cashed a check for which there is no money. So it will be bounced, I'll have to pay for it, plus like 25.00 and still no insurance. However, on the up tip, VR paid their first installment on Monday. It's only 750.00, but it's a start to where I need to go. With this, I can pay off Tina, the library, the room deposit, mom and them, and buy the transformer and still be safe to go. We shall see. Defense rests.
Finally Exhibit C:
Peter Dines emailed me about the exact specifications of the power chair, which I have yet to return to him, because I don't know the exact specifications of my own chair. But I will get those as soon as I remember, as well as emailing back the secretary for the list of classes. And then all I do is wait and plan to go meet Peter on next week, plan for the party the week after, and then finally Germany. Finally.
Court Is Adjurned.
Wednesday, 8 March 2006
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