Okay wow. This day has been absolutely insane. I cant believe what Ive done or what I might do later on. Right now everything is up in the air. Well lets see here. Hows the best way to describe whats happening? I suppose Ill start from as early as I can remember. First off, we got a new student named Stephanie in class a few days ago. Shes from the Bejing region in China, and shes screwed. I mean that not disrespectfully but as a measure of pity. The girl comes from China and from what I was able to discern from the others about her situation, her boyfriend was also supposed to come from China and he speaks both very good English and German. But for some reason, he wasnt able to obtain a visa to come over, and so he was unable to travel with her, but she continued to come. So now shes basically trapped here in Germany without the ability to speak German, and she knows very little English. Its kinda sad really but from what Ive seen from her and the others have seen, shell do fairly well here. Shes staying for an entire year, which is more than even I could say for myself about this place. Yes, Ive decided to go home in the Fall, mainly because of the damn weather.

Its so freakin weird. And I dont even want to consider what the winter would be like here. I have a hard enough time as it is with the so-called spring weather. So Id hate to see the winter. But yeah theres Stephanie. Next we have JJ, or Joshua which I met just the other day. Hes an American from Oregon whos been here for a previous semester and chose to stay for an entire year so hes finishing out the reminder of his year here in the Spring. Hes gay and his boyfriend is also German, whos name is Marko (interesting, isnt it?). So yeah he came to the party that Markus and Dirk kind of created in the middle of nowhere at my apartment so suddenly without any real kind of preparation, I suddenly had like fifty people in my apartment just moving freely in and out without my say so. They came over and cooked some kind of German-Chinese dumplings which were pretty good, and some other stuff called like Spietzel or whatever, which wasnt so good. They left, (but not without leaving me two cartons of eggs, a bottle of wine and some spices, flour and an entire bucket of spetzel) and I got to meet Joshua, or JJ as Craig and I call him. And speaking of Craig, Im gonna get to that later. But hes really nice, a quiet sort of guy who doesnt say a lot in a conversation, (no Xavier took that spot over rather nicely) but hes nice. Anyway, weve been seeing him a lot over the last few days, and hes currently working on his paper, so hes off doing whatever he needs to. So yeah anyway, hes pretty cool.

Lets see. I got to go the beer festival in a place called Bad Canstatt which is like 20 minutes from Stuttgart. The first time I went with Ray, Michael, Einam and Idan, it was pretty challenging as we couldnt out what exactly we wanted to go and getting there itself is a pretty big challenge. But we got over it, and we went and had a pretty good time. It was okay. The second time I went though was the day before yesterday, on Thursday and that was banging. I went with Ray, Einam, Idan, Xavier, Kristen, Craig, Stephan, Eliza, Petra, Yolanda, Versula, and we met this really interesting guy named Duke on the way there at the station, who was supposed to be meeting up with Ray. Anyway, we went and I had a ball. I rode all the hard stuff this time, including this damn thing called the Transformer which is a giant ring you get on that rotates all the way around 360 degrees, and it was pretty interesting. It was alright until you do that first drop and it makes your face completely scrunch up in pain. It was really bad. And I thought I was going to have a heart attack when we flipped upside down really really slow. Its like your just going to just drop right out of the sky. It was really intense. And then I went on the Shake again, (and this was the ride that had instilled so much fear in me before) and this time was way more intense than the last time we had rode it. It started out kinda slow like always and then it started getting crazy but it wasnt until after she started the ride up again, when it got crazy. We were moving so fast on the ride that when we flipped upside down, it wouldnt stop and we just kept flipping again and again like eight and nine times in a row. We flipped so many times on the ride that my necklace with my key on it (since I had to buy it since the previous entry with the damn Hausmister) came off my neck and flew away into the audience and almost hit a girl in the eye. Im glad she didnt get hurt. But Id be even more pissed if my key vanished into thin air. So yeah that was that. I rode a reverse rollercoaster, and that was fun since I hadnt ridden a good rollercoaster in a long time. It was so fast I had a tear coming out of my eye, and when the ride was over, I had to wipe my face cause of the dried tears that had been leaking from the really fast air. Lets see, so I did that and I got on the damn helicopter ride which is called High Energy, and I was really scared of that thing cause its like 300 feet in the air and youre constantly rotating and spinning around and stuff. But it was okay. The Shake was worst, anyway. Um so yeah that was that. I got a chance to go down to Stuttgart and visit the inner city and see some interesting things. We saw street performers like this golden statue guy who was pretending to be a statuette and all of that. We saw a guy who was balancing a crystal ball around on his body, that was interesting.

And I got to roll around the most of downtown and see all the buildings and stuff. Then we went to a really interesting place that said it was a restaurant/bar/café. But the truth was, when we went into Brunner, we sat down and got a menu and found out even though the menu was like 50 pages long, the only food that they actually offered was on page 8, and it was one paragraph of spaghetti, salad and more pasta. The rest of the menu was nothing but drinks. So it was a serious place for a serious alcoholic. However the restaurant itself was exceptionally nice, it was very modern with black stretch sofas and cool lights and stuff. I just wish they wouldnt advertise themselves as a restaurant when its truthfully just a bar with a salad on the side. But from there, we went to this Italian restaurant and had lunch which was really good, and Ive discovered that so far whenever we do go to a restaurant (Ive been to three so far) all of the food has been fantastic and very five star looking. So thats definitely a plus in the Germany books. But yeah, after that I got to go with the crew yesterday and we went to what Craig calls Favoritepark South or part two. The original Favoritepark is a long ass trail that stretches about 20 minutes towards the palace, and it has all kinds of animals and shit on it. This particular one, which is the other direction, is just a trail that ends in a beautiful lake with swans and ducks and boats you can rent. It was very all very nice and for once the weather was quite perfect. It has been the first day of truly geninuely nice weather since Ive gotten here which is really sad. And it is also the contributing factor for why Im not staying. But after that, I treated myself to something called a white Magnum which is actually a bomb ass ice cream bar thats covered in white chocolate. And then we went back to my place, and then all of us went to the Döner shop which is where I took them to get some döner meat, which they all loved, and Craig claims it will be the new hangout spot from now on. From there we came back to my place and drank and talked till the wee hours. Being that now officially we dont have to deal with Markus, Dirk and the rest of them anymore. No now something far more sinister is going to be going on with actually classes and shit. Speaking of which, that test was kinda hard but I hope I did enough to pass. It seemed to me that Dirk was pleased enough with what I had on there, I just hope I can actually get credit for it, since I wasnt expecting that and it was a nice little surprise.

But after our excursion from part of the FP, we came here and talked and stuff. By the way I should mention that I found out yesterday that Peter Dines secretary, Frau Hubert, of which I assumed could only kinda speak English, since her English is kinda broken, I discovered on Friday that she can actually speak near fluent Spanish as well. So she switched over and we kinda conversed in Spanish for a while. I didnt get everything she said to be honest, but I got the main gist of what she wanted, and I suppose thats all one can ask for. So that should be interesting for real. She suggested that I sign up for the Spanish 2 class that Pagagoische is offering this semester, but I told her that I dont know because I dont want to come into the class a complete idiot, especially since I found out from her that none of the 3 professors that teach Spanish at the university actually speak any English. So that makes a bit more difficult. But then again, I kinda get wanna get used to speaking only one language for a while. Seems like everyone else here is trying to get into that groove, and I dont want to be left behind. And while Im on the subject of that let me bring out the fact that JJ told Craig yesterday that he basically shouldnt be spending so much time with me specifically because I dont speak German and that could lower his standards on wanting to practice his German in general. Personally, I think thats bullshit, cause the way I see it, Craigs gonna be getting plenty of German practice starting Monday when the classes start flowing. And its gonna be all week like that so I dont see the problem in speaking a little English on the side. However JJ is of the mindset that says that if you speak too much English youll forget how to speak German which I think is impossible being that Im physically in Germany and its everywhere you look. So I chose to leave that subject alone, but I certainly hope that Craig doesnt think that hes right. Now speaking of Craig.

Lets see here. Yesterday (being that its now Sunday April 23, 2006) was insane between me and Craig, and in truth, I could kinda see it coming. After the majority of people left, Craig and I was talking and he wanted to see the foot porn that I had here (which by the way Einam ran across and started asking me questions about which I just avoided by using Daniel as a scapegoat) and I was actually going to show it to him when JJ got here and we started talking. Before I knew what was going on, JJs friend E, (I dont know her real name) arrived and they laid on the couch and presided to just talk German for the next three hours to Craig in the chair. I on the other hand, was not about to just sit there and look stupid, so I played Oblivion while they talked. However, they talked a really long time (including this random question from E, that involved me having anal sex) and I began to get tired. Finally they got the hint, and up and left and it was just me and Craig. He was going to leave because of his contacts and stuff but remembered that I asked him if I could give him a massage. So he was really excited about it, so I did. I climbed on top of him and gave him a massage from the back down. Eventually he started taking off his pants (because he said I could get to his legs better, which is true) but he stayed turned over because he said he was getting hard off of it. And so I kept massaging and the next thing I know hes moaning all loud when I accidentally started blowing on his neck. So I kept blowing and one thing lead to another and before I knew what was going on, he was naked, and he was pulling my jeans off, so I just went with it and we did it, I suppose. At least from his standpoint of it. I thought that having sex included anal but I suppose not. I mean I jerked him off and that was the end of it, however he fucked up the whole program (which by the way, it was pretty porn-scene hot cause I had my Enigma CD blasting which is perfect sex music) when he asked to go the bathroom, and I got all the way naked, and when he came to get back in the bed, he said he had to go, and so he did, and I was left looking crazy and feeling confused. Now the thing about it is this. In truth, I really like Craig. I think hes cute, hes hilarious, and I think hes lonely. I know that one, he doesnt see me for my chair which is a big thing for me, two, hes a writer like me, so we have many of the same aspirations, and three, he lives in North Carolina and just got accepted into UNC Chapel Hill, which is like 20 minutes from my house, so we could theoretically keep the love affair going even after we leave Germany if he theoretically wanted to. ButI dont know really that much about his family, or what he feels about love romantically. I know he said that he loves guys that are supposedly straight or whatever, and I personally always felt like maybe I was too campy for him or whatever because Im all involved in Musical Theatre and I was involved in the clothes and stuff. But he knows my situation is different than most so maybe that changes things, Im not sure. When I think about what could happen with him, I wonder if whether or not we could actually date and make it work. Personally, I think so because we already click so well its kinda just natural but Im wondering if he feels the same.

My heart tells me he doesnt, so I dont know what to think. As far as the sex goes, we didnt actually finish what we were doing I dont think cause I didnt actually get to come with him, but it does take me a while to get hard, (unless Im previously thinking of something else) so maybe he took that as a sign that I wasnt into him, though the way we were twisting in the damn bed it was like a vanilla and chocolate ice cream swirl. And I did actually end up giving him head, and it sounded like he liked it, so Im not sure if thats good or not. Ill have to ask him about it the next time. We havent even mentioned anything close to it yet since it happened, but I think that might be because to him it was just a fuck/massage or because there was always someone else around when he was. Im not sure. For one thing, I just wanna know if he casually does what we did with just any guy, and if he was just give it up to some German guy in the club, then I wouldnt want to be with him anyways, cause Im trying to find someone whos looking for something, not someone whos desperate. But yeah it was very interesting yesterday. I didnt go to bed till 6. Well have to see what happens tomorrow in the land of supposed opportunitylol.
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