Monday, 28 May 2007

The Coin of Friendship: Heads

So then. this is post one, and it represents what happened when I went out on Saturday with Kyle, Qasim, and Ryan to hang out and just chill and talk about shit, since I haven't seen them in about a year or more, since Pembroke and everything else gets in the way first. So it was fabulous. And this is the heads side of the coin. It was great. I went out with Kyle and we went to Wendy's had a bite to eat, and was constantly chatting and I got to know the whole scoop on his life and what's been happening in the two years that I've totally not been around, and I was able to listen to his thing and provide some good back support. Then later on, we went to Wal-Mart still talking and I shopped for some more stuff for DC. Then afterwards I went to Gamestop and bought a Nintendo DS and some new games for it. Then we met up with Ryan and Qasim and had dinner out at Kabuki, this kick-ass Japanese resturant, and laughed and talked the whole time. Afterwards, we left and went out the movies, where they wanted to see Shrek 3, but I had to get home in preparation for church today. So all in all it was fabulous. I had to talk to them about serious things though because I told them that I know that of the five of us, none of them but me, is actually doing ANYTHING in their lives that they actually want to do, and none of them is where they should be. I told them that I would help them any way I could but I refuse to go backwards in an attempt to pull them out of their rut. So yeah. It was bittersweet, but it was nice overall. And I had a blast. However, that's only part of the equation.

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