To me, that would be the subplot of the movie Bug, that I just went to see tonight. Personally I know my mind works differently than other peoples, and so when they saw it, they totally hated it and Mom claims it was the worst movie ever. Me? I totally disagree. I think that William Friedkin is a brilliant director. Coming from the man that directed the Exorcist, I think he knows precisely how to manipulate the human psyche, and he's a master at exploring the darkest parts of mentality as a whole. People hated Bug because they totally couldn't understand the concept of the movie. However a brilliant script combined with marvelous acting ability on the parts of Ashley Judd and her lover, produced a fabulous movie if you ask me. Even MSN knows I'm right and they gave Bug 4 stars, as opposed to Pirates of the Caribbean, which only recieved 2. Bug is not even about bugs. Not even close. But once again, it's one of those things were if you were looking at the commercial, you wouldn't understand the concept of the movie. And this particular film is so psychological, that you wouldn't get even a fraction of what the movie's really about. Ashley Judd's character is one, that is so lonely and so hopelessly lost in her pathetic life, that she's willing to open up her heart and her mind to anyone that would be willing to give her a chance, and this guy Peter, is just the one to do it. Though he's creepy and a total introvert, they warm up to each other and decide to sleep together. After that nigth though, everything gets worse, as Agnes (Judd) discovers what really is wrong with Peter. The incredible twist on the flick of the movie is that in normal circumstances, there have been plenty of flicks where people fall in love with mentally disturbed people. However they always turn them into the law, or the hospital, or in some cases, let them go. However in Bug, Judd is so desperate to keep this man that she's just known, that she actually falls into his delusion head first, transforming her apartment, her life, turning away all her friends, in order to stay with this man, to the point where she quite literally loses her mind. She is completely absorbed into Peter's delusion reality of this parasitic bugs, that she is the bug queen host, and he the drone host, and together they going to bring about the destruction of everyone else. She even goes as far to blame the disappearance of her son, Lloyd on the bugs and the military she believes to be responsible, (even though this is only what Peter informed her of, in his delusional state) and it result in the two of them committing suicide together in what they believe to be an act of cleansing, to free themselves from the bugs' continual torture. It was a fabulous movie, a total psychological masterpiece, and for anyone with a fully functioning brain that's completely open to new kinds of things, it's a must see. Granted, I was lost for a little while. I'm not going to lie. I didn't know where the movie was going, but once I realized that there were no bugs and no one was believing what they said, I understood what was happening. Judd's superb acting shows just how far a person can fall mentally when dealing with someone they truly care about. For her to destroy her own sanity to stay with this man, that is true love. And the movie gets 4 and half stars in my eyes. Well done, Mr. Friedkin. Well done.
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