Saturday, 25 August 2007

I've Become the Male "Claire"

Okay so here it is. This is my attempt at doing what my teacher wants us to start doing now. She claims that everyday we need to spend at least 30 minutes writing something not matter what it is, so in the future when we need to write something up, we can easily just call on the subject. So I'm gonna start doing that. But I won't post it here because quite frankly I think that the entries would just start getting to be too long. But I'm going to start doing it on today and really devote my time to that because I think it will be pretty important. That's why I admire people like Claire's character on Six Feet Under. She is an artist and most of the time she's very dedicated to her craft. I love how she will sit and stare at paintings for hours just trying to "break open her eye" as she calls it. It allows her to see art in a new kind of way, or something. But I figure I should probably do the same thing. If I am going to be an English major I should probably start to dedicate my energy toward my craft so I know what I'm getting into. That would mean looking at designers familizaring myself with different techniques of clothes, and the cuts, and things like that. But we'll see.

As you can see, I've started writing poetry again, although it's for my poetry class but it's actually very theraputic. I can see why people do it quite frequently. It allows you to say the things you really want to without getting so complicated and confused. And if you want the world to read it, you can and even if they do, the meaning is locked in only for you. So yeah. I think my classes are going to be very beneficial for me this semester in that they're designed to get you indepth on the material and it will really help me out. But we'll see...

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