Okay I'd like to start this out talking about one of my favorite shows, or what used to be my favorite show: The Boondocks. I really don't know anymore. What started out as a new and fresh medium for black people to express frustration against Americanism, has turned into my opinion Aaron MacGruder bitching about black people and white. I never denied the fact that he knows that in order to make something successful you have to talk about yourself in the process if you want it to be a true to life way of looking at things.
I mean you could look at previous seasons of the Boondocks and see that with the way that rap culture comes out everytime Huey and Riley watch "Booty Butt Cheeks" or whatever. That was funny and true to me. But it seems as though he has taken that sentiment and made it much darker. After the two year hiatus from the show when no one expected it to return, he came out with his first episode about Obama, in which he takes the entire episode to critize Obama and everyone that stood with him.
Do I get the message of the dangers of "dick riding" Obama? Yes. Do I dick ride him myself? No. I don't think he's absolutely perfect. I don't think he's the superstar that's going to save the United States. But I do think he's doing a fantastic job with what he's been giving. It took a strong man or woman to have to stand in that position and try to pick up all these pieces that George Bush left behind and he's going a great great job. So no, I don't agree with Mr. MacGruder. I think he's being entirely unfair to the left and to the people of America that voted for what Obama stood for: change.
As for the show itself, it seems to have just delved deeper and deeper into different ways of calling people niggers and finding different ways to point that out. I don't know. I do believe that this will be the last season though. I don't think Sony is gonna put up with that shit too much longer.
Now then on to the next. I had a very long conversation with Steven the other day and we literally talked like the whole day online. Turns out that after he was yelled out by his boss (the same woman that he told me about wayy back before) that now he wants to quit and up and move to San Diego. Whereas the last time we were talking he had told me the decision wasn't definite, it seems like this latest attack has pushed his mind into the idea that is going to be permanent. Let me be clear about this now. Do I want him to leave? No. But do I want for him to be stuck in a place where he's unhappy? No. So where does that leave me? Not too sure. But he was saying that I needed to come to San Diego with him and all of that and I'm thinking to myself, "are you fucking crazy? Have you lost your mind? I've never even met you face to face and you want me to move out to another city with a man I've never met to try and build a life together?" Okay I may be a romantic, but I'm not crazy and even that is a bit beyond me. I just simply told him that if he choose to leave, that that's his decision but that it would mean that we're most likely not going to get together unless he really wanted to. I'm looking at it from the standpoint of that you're not going to have me jumping on a jet every weekend paying god knows what money into travel just to spend a day or two with you before I've got to head home. Maybe some people can do it, but that's not me. It's the same reason why I broke it off with Pete earlier this semester. Someone's who's three hours away from me but who can't even find the time off of work to come and see me doesn't deserve to have me as their partner. They need to focus on what's going on their area and find someone there that they can relate to. I'm not about to be jet-setting for just anyone. So on that front, we'll just have to wait and see.
I had my meeting with Jeff yesterday and I went to see him about the resit information on my essay after he failed me for the Poetry course. It was funny to me a little because he could tell that I wasn't happy (who would be?) and he was just trying to downplay it the entire time but it didn't matter. Basically he was just saying that I didn't do the essay correctly and that it was confusing and he couldn't get a read off my work from it. Turns out, that was one of the deciding factors in the grade on my poetry, considering that I got a 56 on the poetry part because he said he was confused and didn't agree with the line arrangements or on what our definitions of "prose" was. I thought it was literally anything that didn't rhyme or have a definable meter. He claims it's all about margins and lines and all of that. Truth is, it's probably a bit of both, but the point is, I certainly didn't know that, so I'm thinking I can't be blamed for something I didn't know. After he told me that he was confused by my essay and couldn't read the work, I asked him for a remark of the poetry and the essay because the way I see it, if I can rework the essay to explain the poetry, then he should have a much clearer understanding of what I was trying to do, and therefore give me a better grade. It pisses me off that I have to go into all of this when people like Dambara and Ashley turned in their stuff like the weekend of after not having anything all semester and yet they both end up with mid 60's. That shit is beyond frustrating. But he said I just have to turn it in and move on, which is what I will attempt to do. Whatever.
I got a situation cleared up with Jon and apparently he doesn't "do" friends with benefits or whatever, which is fine by me, though shelling all this money every time he appears is getting thin. So we'll have to work something out on that front. Also, David asked me to see him again this morning and then was talking about fucking in the bathtub. Where as before I was seriously considering the offer, after that little piece of information I was like, "oh thank god I didn't go." Because I know now that that'd be a terrible mistake. And I ain't even gonna bat an eye. I turned down Marek, I can certainly turn down David.
I taught again yesterday for Tony to a group of 12 year olds and one of the teachers came to me afterward and said she really liked the lecture and that it was the highlight of the day which was great. Tony immediately asked me when it was over, "please don't leave England." lol. Which I thought was funny. Apparently he seems to think I'm quite good at teaching, if it wasn't for the fact that I don't have a PGCE degree or whatever, I probably would go into it. But that just means that when I get home I have work to do in trying to figure out if I wanna do one more year of school to get it out of the way, or just go the sub route or whatever. Ugh. I have so much work to do when I get home.
P.S. I got my article published by CampusProgress!! yay. Couple that with the email that says they're paying me $100.00 for it, I'm like, YEAH! Even better.