Over the last week:
My beautiful wonderful Xbox has suddenly come down with Red Ring and so I've sent it off so this place in East London with the hopes that they can fix it, though they haven't contacted me back yet when they were supposed to yesterday so it's making me raise my eyebrows.
While working with Filomena (an ambassador here) she was telling me about Wicked tickets being on sale through the university for tonight. At the time, we were going through a green mesh net that the school is trying to set up as a walkway for disabled students through their garden and into the play area for this Shakespeare thing that we're supposed to be doing in the next two weeks....(huh yeah right at this rate, I'm really wondering if we're even going to really do it. These people SWEAR being disorganized!! First it was GLBT week (or the lack thereof) and now this?! Over it!!) So I contacted the school and sure enough they were selling tickets for Wicked tonight from a discounted price of 60 pounds to 35. But do you think that's what I paid for them? NOPE! Upon further inspection, we discovered that disabled people's tickets are....15 pounds. Score!!!
Let's see. Today is Thursday, so Tuesday I had a very interesting experience when Monday afternoon Tony called me from UK recruitment to let me know that one of the lecturers for the Creative Writing program had backed out and he wanted to know if I could do a guest lecture for the students. Ordinarily this would be fine. Oh did I mention, they were 9? So I was freaking out for a fraction of a second trying to figure out what to do with these children after I called Chimba. And so I came up with a gameplan and Tuesday I was ready to go. Of course, getting there Tony was pissed to discover that the security team here at the university (whatever they call themselves, cause it sure as hell ain't security) didn't have a key so I had to crawl down a giant flight of steps but it was alright. When the lecture started, I was a little nervous sitting there looking at all these faces listening to me talk but it was really cool. Maybe I'll actually like teaching for a change. I showed them a trailer for How to Train Your Dragon to explain about how writers are responsible for all of that then I talked about writers and what we do and we did an imagination exercise with Doby and Tails. Then I talked a little more about imagination and finished with some poetry. It was a good session.
Sunday actually, was pretty interesting. I figured I should write about it now or I'll forget. Technically I was supposed to have rehearsal for Shakespeare but that got cancelled since so many of the people didn't show. Which is not unusual for this place. Ugh. Anyway, it ended up being okay because I went to Putney to meet with Bernhard, who this really hot guy from Austria but he's living in Berlin at the moment and he had business in London. We had been talking via Romeo for awhile and so when he came we ended going to Nando's for lunch which was great. Love the manager there. She's so awesome. We talked for a little while and it turned interesting when he started asking me about what I liked to do and so when I told him, he started messing with me under the table...that was....interesting. Well I decided to go with him in a cab and we went back to his hotel and talked for a bit, and more happened (cough, cough) and then he took me for a drink and I went home. That was nice. I wish I could've stayed with him for a bit longer, but with him being on business, I doubt we'll ever cross paths again, which is a damn shame.
I went to lunch with Jen on Monday, and we had a chance to catch up which was really nice, as I rarely ever get to talk to her as much as I would like. Jen is like one of those in between people that I never know quite where I'm at with her, but I think she smoothed that at lunch on Monday. Unfortunately I'm caught in the middle of a war between her and Chim after Chim left her stranded for a ride at the airport. Granted, I understand both sides and Jen's mad because she's tried all semester to be friends with her and Chim always was finally ways to avoid the situation and when she said she would do something and didn't, it made it really difficult for her. But Chim was saying that Jen only comes to her when she needs something and Chim was saying that their not good enough friends for her to be asking for favors like driving to the airport at five am. I mean I know I could, but at the same time, I guess she could've said no in the beginning and it would've saved people a lot of drama. So that's sad. But eh, we'll be gone in a little while anyway so it's not like it matters terribly anyway.
Speaking of which, I bought my ticket to go home Saturday and it was wonderful. Granted I hated having to pay over double for what I paid to come here but everything considered, it was a better deal. 695 for a flight back and that includes insurance for my luggage and my chair, which I think is important. But I'm leaving Britain Wednesday August 4th at 9:00 which will be great. I'll enjoy being back home. It will be a nice chance to all this madness.
Over the last two weeks I've been hanging out with Goncalo like almost everyday which is cool. I'm pissed that I really didn't get to know him till like 2 months till everyone's scheduled to leave, but such is my luck. He's really cool.
I've also had my X Factor audition like two weeks ago and that was interesting. Chim took me there at five am and we got there and had to stand in the freezing rain for two and a half hours, and then got in the room and when I did my audition I got through only to be cut on Tuesday when I went back with Goncalo. That sucked but it didn't matter. 17 year old British girls probably don't know about Etta James or Al Greene so that's fine. Their loss.
Um let's see I've seen the New Nightmare on Elm Street. It was alright, but the original is much better. But as far as remakes go, it was pretty good. I've also seen Iron Man 2 but I certainly wasn't paying to see that shit. It was okay, I've never been a fan in the first place but I did like Scarlet Johanssen as the Black Widow. That was fun.
Okay so I'll have to do more updates later. Gotta get dressed for Wicked!

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