Sunday, 23 May 2010

The Curse of Prematurity

Okay so I've had a few days to get over the shock of Jeff's class, and while I'm still angry, I'm a bit over it at this point. He sent me an email where he didn't give me any kind of reason for failing me, just that he felt that I didn't explain my work at all, and that my paper needed a redraft. I didn't even get into the part of the fact that apparently everyone else's work in the class must be better than mine since I got a 56, which was the lowest grade in the class. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to set my face to go into his office this week. I can't make up my mind to decide if I want to be angry, or sad or what. After talking to Louise, she was just saying that I need to look at what I did on my other essays and try and emulate the same process. I already know what I was doing with Jeff's, in that I was trying to pull from the genre of poetry before explaining my own, but I guess that approach didn't work. So anyway, I'll have to figure out how to do that this week.

Next up: Goncalo. He's a really nice Portuguese guy that lives on the top floor of the building here, and we've been talking and seeing each other almost everyday. Don't worry it's not like that, as he's straight, but he's still nice to look at. Of course, now that I've been talking to him almost everyday and getting to him generally, I realize now just how young he really is. And he and Kirsty are the focus of this blog this time around. Nadia and me spent the better part of an hour trying to convince him not to exit university because of the fact that he hates film theory and feels like he's the next George Lucas because he can already do film praticals or whatever. I was trying to explain to him that even though that might be true, Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, and all the rest all have film history in their resumes because you have to know about the history of the medium before you can work in it. But he wasn't trying to hear that. It just showed his age, and showed how stubborn he can be. Funny, because he'll probably have to learn the hard way when he can't get any kind of regular job because of his unwillingness to deal with things that he disagrees with.

Now with Kirsty, that's a different story all together. My flatmate here, she's intelligent, beautiful, and has her head on her shoulders. She would be a powerhouse to be reckoned with if it wasn't for the fact of one thing: her boyfriend Nick. I spent a few hours with them tonight and we just sat drinking and talking about life and movies. They're quite cool but her boyfriend is going to be the downfall of her. I can see it coming. It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion. We're talking in the kitchen and he mentions one time when he's out doing something "when I was fucked up on drugs and alcohol, yeah?" and kept talking as my mind played back the previous statement. ?????!!! So I casually asked her about this after he runs outside for his 12th cigarette in an hour. And she replies that not only does she know about his drug habit, she's quite alright with it, saying that she loves him regardless...blah, blah...and I'm thinking to myself, "so you want to be cleaning up all his coke habits in two years?" I mean it was RIDICULOUS. This girl is beautiful intelligent and great. And for her to be with this guy, (who's heading head first into a massive supernova of an explosion with his willingness to be an actor) it's like unthinkable. I just kept thinking the whole time, "you stupid, stupid child. Is this what I was like when I was 20?" Oh wait. No. Even at 20, I had more sense than that. *sigh* I suppose eventually she'll learn. When she's dragging his overdosed body into the bathtub for a cold shower.

Poor Kirsty. Poor Goncalo. Poor 20's.

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