So now then. It's July 5th and the crippling blow has arrived. It is my very sad and unpleasant duty to report that Germany officially lost site of the World Cup last night in a phenomenal game against the Italians that lasted into triple overtime and was one minute away from penalty shots which could've have given them the win. Afer 130 minutes of fierce shot after shot, in the middle of nowhere Italy slid a goal into the net and then another one shortly thereafter in the last 60 seconds of play leaving the score 0-2 for Italy vs. Germany. So then. July 4th will mean the day that Germany lost the World Cup, while on the other side of the globe its the celebration of another year of America. So while the fireworks blasted off around the country over where I'm from, there was dead silence in Ludwigsburg last night with the exception of the thousands of blaring car horns from downtown from the many Italians that were ecstatic about the win over Deutschland. It was a very sad and somber evening after all.
And then, there's Frank:
Somehow he always seems to sneak in a portion of my blogs here on MySpace but I know that will end when I go home. So how about we went to Frau Müller's house this weekend to watch The Day After Tomorrow and the famed and highly praised piece of garbage Blade Runner with Harrison Ford and Reutger Hauer, when we could've watched the much more anticipated I Robot with Will Smith. And so Frank took me and Susanna and Eliza to her house, which is very pretty by the way, and we laughed and talked and ate barbecued chicken. But it was at her house that I decided that I will not see Frank anymore when I leave Germany. There are too many things that I don't like about him as well as being coupled with my decision to finish school and attempt to obtain these four degrees at once. So yeah...I know that might seem drastic but the guy has come pretty serious issues. I mean he does speed and marijuana and then he smokes too, which doesn't look good on me. On top of that, he's still involved with all of this debt stuff from his ex-lover, and his drug escapade from a few years back. (what I don't get is how can you rack up a huge debt doing drugs and then start paying them off and keep doing it? that doesn't make sense). So yeah and then add to that that I'm only 20 and that I still have a little over 2 years worth of school left and I can't be bothered with Frank trying to have a relationship with me back in the States. So yeah...that's about to be over. But on the other side, I would like still to be with him while I'm here, cause it is still nice. But still....
As far as this fashion show is concerned that group AStA is losing their damn minds. They've done a lot I suppose, but not until I actually prodded them to get something done. On the good note, the show looks like it's going to be totally awesome with lights and the stage and everything so I hope everything works out. But them not allowing us to do at 10:30 is really grating my nerves, especially when they're going to ask us to move our stuff out in the middle of the party. That's just too ghetto even for us. But if they won't let us do what we can to liven up their party then fuck it. We'll do what we can in the short amount of time given. And it looks really good to see my company's icon on these flyers. It makes me feel good. lol.
Wow. I can't believe I really just did that. I just set up a sexdate with those two really hot German guys that live here in Ludwigsburg for tomorrow! (Hey if everyone can run around and do it, then I'm entitled to as well! It's not like it's gonna happen back in the States.) lol. So yeah my next entry should be pretty interesting....and don't worry Zana you'll hear all the details. lol. As usual.
Wednesday, 5 July 2006
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