Sunday, 23 July 2006

[tick, tick, tick....] Time Goes By....So Slowly....So Slowly....

Okay so then. After a massive updating of my MySpace profile I've had to come back for a refresher course. So here's the deal. It's Sunday July 23rd, and I'm just waiting for the Hausmeister to get here next Monday and give me the green light to bounce out. So I've got two papers and a presentation that I need to do, which is what I will be attempting shortly after a shower and some food, and I have a dreaded "klasure" (test in German) tomorrow morning but honestly I don't give a fuck. All I need is a 3 or more in the class to pass. German school classes are fucked. You get a 1 for an A, so on and so forth with a 4 failing. But I won't go into this right now because I've decided along with number 3 of the Lubu mafia aka "The Splitter" that we will bring you all who read these a comprehensive list of what it is really like to be and study here in Germany. I will take four subjects and she will take the other four and we will dedicate my last week here to this. So be on the lookout for that. As far as life is concerned, nothing much happening, so steeling myself together for the one last massive boost I need to get through this week. And we shall see what happens with Peter and Frau Bischoff in regards to the comments now, but we shall see. Because if I have my way...they'll be pissed and I'll be happy.

While I'm at it let me just pause for a moment to reflect on the incident of the other night. While I'm sure some people might not be pleased with this, it is my view and opinion to express the way that I feel about anyone I please, so take this as a disclaimer before you read on, Zana.

Now with that in mind, Zana's friend Timo graced our presence the other night when we decided to watch -god forbid- Johnny Depp's version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. And so I have to say that I wasn't sure exactly what to expect when he came in. I know I was thinking about someone closer to Josh's Marko since I thought though he was from Oregon that he might have adopted the quieter German tendencies towards frailness and all of that. However, that is not what came through the door. Okay so here's my breakdown of Timo, who's real name is Timothy though he couldn't find a German equivalent, so it became Timo.

First off: Quiet, hell to the no. Timo is a traditional American through and through transported over to the quiet confines of Germany. He is loud, brash and strongly opinionated in every way possible. In fact it was almost too much of a shock for me since Zana's not really like that, and I am of course my own personality so I can handle it. I haven't seen that in quite some time.

Secondly: As far as looks go, he's cute I'll give him that. With kind of a Luke Wilson if he had dark hair/Keanu Reeves complex about him (though Timo finds Keanu abominable). He's tall and big and broad. That part is the typical German that I was expecting if you're not small and frail then you are huge and bulky.

And then the rest of the evening was as follows: his view on men, his view on the best films of all time (never mind the actors, only the directors count), his view on German beer and his view on the rest of us. Us being, Zana, Ray, myself and Jessica. Then I decided I'd had enough and we needed to move so we moved to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It would have been exceptionally nicer, if I didn't hear the funniest statements coming up beforehand from the peanut gallery of one person. That kinda takes the air out of the film. And then to laugh at the insanely oddest parts, personally I didn't like the film because it was just so weird. Too weird to understand. But according to Timo-as the world is sucked through his view-it is the greatest movie in the last 10 years and Tim Burton's best, which I completely disagree with. I'd pick "Nightmare Before Christmas" anyday before I pick "Charlie."

He also has a fair amount of disdain for anyone younger than he is which of course was...all of us, so he gave me Ray, and Jessica this quirkly little sneer the whole night as if to be like, "How dare you try to be in Germany 10 years younger than me." Honestly it's not our fault that you chose to travel the world at an older age. We just happened to get the break to come years before you. And my final admonition here, (check the Mulan dialogue) as far as the gay factor goes, when he first showed up I didn't think that he was I didn't think he was as gay as everyone made him out to be. But that was before we got on the subject of movies. After the conversation was finished I had come to the final and finite solution of one thing. He's a real cunt. And I mean that.

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